Why Victoria’s Last Delta Occurrence Escaped
Exercise tendencies show that Victorian people are less determined to stay home, which citizens gave after a blockade of more than 220 days to continue to curb the increasing number of cases. You are encouraged to find more.
Professor Catherine Bennett, Deakin University’s Director of Epidemiology, said: “I think we somehow have to dissolve that fear and frustration into just a bloody determination.”
August 4, Victoria’s last donut day, began with news that the state reported the first day after July 12 with no locally acquired cases. However, the celebration did not last for 24 hours. Suspended by the announcement of a positive case by a teacher at the University of Altakuwa in western Melbourne.
Most worrisome is that her source of infection is unclear By the next day Victoria was closed againAfter the emergence of more mysterious incidents, including factory workers living in Malibianong, there was no apparent connection with school teachers.
Since then, the outbreak has continued to foam in the west and settled in the northern suburbs. It exploits a major known vulnerability to the virus-low vaccination levels, younger and more mobile populations, larger families, and people at work. They are at home. Means that you cannot.
Over 70% of the 450 cases on Saturday were recorded in this area of ​​the city. In Hume, where 166 cases were reported daily, less than 48.2 percent of people were receiving a single dose of the vaccine as of last Sunday. In Moreland, where 88 cases were published daily, 54.7% of the population received a single dose.
The rate is well below the national average at the time, just over 63%, in contrast to places like Geelong and the Mornington Peninsula, where the initial dose rate exceeds 70%.
Associate Professor Jameswood, a mathematician at UNSW’s School of Public Health and Community Medicine, said:
“In many cases, their workload can increase and it is very difficult to reduce the number of contacts without closing a very important industry.”
Those analyzing exercise data say that compliance with public health orders has declined moderately, but this should not be entirely blamed for Victoria’s failure to contain the outbreak.
Professor James McCaw, who has provided modeling to the federal government through a pandemic, said the current level of compliance and restriction was sufficient to curb the outbreak of previous coronavirus strains.
“Delta is much harder to control,” he said. “I think this is a place we weren’t lucky enough to notice very quickly. And with a certain number of people in the community, Delta can be constrained, but it’s actually eliminated. [of it] Not impossible … but it’s very, very difficult [for big diverse cities like Melbourne or Sydney].. “
Analysis of movement trends by Sunday era A comparison of the second and third waves in Victoria shows a modest increase in blockade.
When Victoria recorded 394 cases on August 9, last year, retail and recreational travel movements were 63% below normal activity. When 92 outbreaks occurred in the state on August 29, measurements of the same movement decreased by only 51%, reflecting behavior similar to the final phase of last year’s second wave, in early September. Further dropped to 43%.
Jason Thompson, a science modeler at the University of Melbourne, has been tracking Victoria’s mobility and movements throughout the blockade, estimating that Victoria’s movements were 10-15% higher than last August. increase.
But he accused the rapid spread of the growing number of people moving around was too simple.
“This all comes down to what has been raised across Australia about who will be left behind in this vaccination race,” he said.
Hannah El Cory, a general practitioner in the western suburbs, said more than 50 of his patients had tested positive for the coronavirus in recent outbreaks.
Dr. El-Khoury said to outsiders that the infection might appear to be spreading north and west due to the illegal mixture of people, but the reality was different.
He asserts that the spread is not promoted by illegal rallies, but by young adults who are generally unvaccinated key workers who are infected at work and bring back the virus. doing.
“This is now a really young family outbreak,” said Dr. El-Khoury.
Over the past three days, Dr. El-Khoury has provided telemedicine appointments to three families in Altona North with approximately 130 active cases. Each family had 8 to 10 members, all of whom were positive for the virus while living under the same roof.
“This is 30 new cases a day, and if you look closely, it’s just three families,” he said. “And we see this pattern every day.”
Professor Bennett said early signs were that the outbreak of deltas in New South Wales and Victoria could be controlled with the help of experienced contact tracing teams in both states.
However, she said the virus skipped ahead of the authorities because the incubation period of Delta was two days shorter than the previous strain.
“They were the two days we needed,” she said. “The two days I used to always use one day before, but this variant is one day behind, so I’m a game changer.”
Victorian officials who investigated the cluster at MCG in July I was surprised to discover Trinity Glamor teachers who picked up the virus in a football game began spreading the infection only 30 hours later.
The state’s latest wave of infection began when Melbourne was deploying vaccination more than Sydney-many experts predicted that cases would fall below New South Wales and are now about daily. We have reported 1500 cases.
“I would be very surprised if the number of Melbourne was at the same level as we see here in New South Wales,” said Professor Wood. “It could continue to rise a bit in the coming weeks until Victoria catches up with the vaccine coverage.”
The situation is still “very uncertain,” said Professor McCaw, who expects New South Wales case numbers to peak soon and hopes Victoria will continue shortly thereafter. But his team estimates that the waves in Victoria will be in the next three weeks.
The alternative is to keep growing-that is, Victoria is heading for a critical time when it is possible to decide if the worst will end soon.
“It gets worse when people’s compliance declines or vaccinations get stuck. The peak comes earlier and more when people stay or strengthen compliance and the deployment of vaccination accelerates. It can be low. “
Victoria’s reproductive rate (estimated average number of cases in which each person is infected with the virus) is about 1.5, and Professor Bennett says that increasing vaccination reduces it, while improving compliance is Victoria’s third. He said it meant that the waves would flatten faster.
She said the infectivity of the Delta strain meant that it was much harder to escape due to few deviations from public health orders, such as having maskless conversations outdoors.
“If everyone holds their breath for two weeks and runs a big store less often, if everyone pulls it a little, it’ll work a little better,” said Professor Bennett.
“It may be exactly that we have found that our last blockage is in a better position to prevent it from being blocked again.”
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