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Skiers may be at lower risk of diagnosing anxiety, studies say


Skiers have an almost 60% lower risk of being diagnosed with anxiety disorders than non-skiers. Research It was published in the journal Frontiersin Psychiatry on Friday.

Mental health professionals have long regarded physical activity as a “promising strategy” to help prevent anxiety (affecting up to 10% of people worldwide) or reduce its symptoms. ..

However, the authors of the current study found that previous studies were not conclusive about the effects of exercise or intensity or fitness level on the risk of developing anxiety disorders, and how these relationships differ between men and women. There was no.

Some researchers also suggest that the association between high physical activity levels and a reduced risk of anxiety disorders may be due to undiagnosed anxiety symptoms that prevent vulnerable individuals from engaging in physical activity. I am proposing.

Competitors will be racing for women at Tjejvasan Vasaloppet in 2021 on February 27th in Mora, Sweden.

The authors had a similar health profile for 197,685 Swedes who participated in Vasaloppet, the world’s largest 56-mile (90-kilometer) long ski race between 1989 and 2010. Compared to 197,684 adults who were not skiers.

All participants were relatively healthy-although they did not have severe illness or mental illness, Versalopette skiers generally had more exercise, less smoking and a healthy diet during their leisure time. Eat and had a lower mortality rate than non-skiers. Participation in Vasaloppet requires long-term exercise in preparation for the race.

After a median follow-up of 10 years, a total of 1,649 participants were diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Compared to non-skiers, skiers are about 60% less likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders, study author Martina Svensson said, regardless of education level, age, or gender.

Differences between female and male skiers

How long it took the skier to finish the race (the author used as a measure of physical performance) did not affect the risk of anxiety disorders in skiing men.

However, among female skiers, “physically performing women are almost twice as likely to develop anxiety as women with poor performance,” an neuroinflammation study at Lund University in Sweden. Svensson, a deputy researcher at the institute, said in an email.

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Despite these findings among fast female skiers, “the total risk of anxiety among these high-performance women is still low compared to the more physically inactive women of the general population. “Svenson said. “Even if men and women have different optimal levels, both men and women seem to benefit from physical activity. The factors behind these differences need further investigation.”

Regarding the impact of physical performance on anxiety risk, the authors write that the discrepancy between women and men may be related to their different physiological responses to exercise.Woman Past research Reported greater stress and malaise after exercise.
Other explanations for the greater risk of anxiety for faster female skiers may point to more common psychological factors among better performing female skiers, the authors wrote. exterior, Have been More commonly seen Self-awareness of physical fitness levels among female exercisers and that can promote extreme exercise and increase anxiety. In addition, studies may indicate that the higher physical fitness of these women indicates that anxiety was already there but not diagnosed.

Why skiers have a low risk of anxiety

This study is an addition to previous studies on how a physically active lifestyle affects the development of anxiety disorders. 2017 survey Low levels of cardiovascular fitness have been found to be associated with an increased risk of being diagnosed with anxiety disorders in a study of more than 1 million Swedish men followed for up to 42 years.
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The author of the new study raised “some potential explanations that make sense,” James Madux, an emeritus professor of psychology at George Mason University in Virginia, said in an email. Maddux was not involved in the study.

“Exercise can be mentally distracting from anxious thoughts, and we also know that going out in nature generally enhances our well-being. Therefore, this Outdoor exercise, such as skiing in research, should be especially helpful, “says Maddux. He is also a senior scholar at the University Welfare Promotion Center. “Engating during the exercise period can lead to a sense of accomplishment and greater self-efficacy (or self-confidence) and can reduce anxiety.”

Cortisol is our major stress hormone.And in one study, cortisol in many people with anxiety disorders Reacted abnormally According to cortisol levels in blood and saliva samples taken after stress, the authors Higher cardiovascular fitness Alternatively, it is randomized to be physically active before being exposed to stress, resulting in less cortisol being secreted.

In addition, exercise may reduce the inflammation and oxidative stress associated with anxiety. And finally, exercise induces brain-derived neurotrophic growth factor, an important molecule involved in learning and memory-related changes. This is lower in people and women with anxiety disorders even after exercise.

This study has other limitations that need to be investigated by future studies. For example, lack of complete knowledge of non-skier physical activity levels and individual traits that may have influenced exercise involvement and vulnerabilities to anxiety disorders. This study also lacked racial and ethnic diversity.

However, based on cumulative related studies, “people who deal with anxiety, stress, or depression should seriously consider using regular exercise as a strategy for better emotional management. Yes, “said Maddux. “You don’t have to go to the gym or cross-country ski, just Start walking A few minutes every day. It will be useful even a little. ”





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