Ontario doctors call for public health measures to re-establish state
An organization representing Ontario doctors has called on the government to implement certain public health measures until a COVID-19 vaccine or treatment is discovered.
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When the state begins the process of resumption after months of blockade by the pandemic, the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) warns that there is always a risk of a surge in COVID until vaccines are available- 19 patients.
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“Considering the fact that when Ontario began planning for resumption, significant work and loss reached this preparatory stage and continued effort and action was needed to safely transition to a” new normal “. We need to do that, “said OMA. In a report published Friday.
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“What we know from the experience of other countries and the biology of viruses is that we shouldn’t rush. By default, we can’t immediately revert to our previous normal state. You need to move to a “new normal” so you can control the ability to lift and impose limits and avoid potential spikes. “
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In light of the resumption, OMA recommends the following five public health measures be implemented until a cure for the disease is found:
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The first recommendation is to continue to use “personal safeguards”, such as having people physically stay away, wash their hands, and wear a mask in public. The association also recommends staggering shifts at work so that employees can work from home when possible.
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To resume, OMA says states must also have a solid understanding of “prevalence of COVID-19 in the population” through appropriate testing. This includes the ability to provide and analyze tests for all persons with the symptoms of the disease, as well as those involved, close personnel, essential workers, and vulnerable groups.
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According to OMA, temperature checking is not a good measure of COVID-19 status.
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“The temperature check shows only those who are experiencing symptoms, specifically fever symptoms, thereby ignoring those who are still asymptomatic or have no other symptoms,” the report said. Stated.
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In addition to testing, OMA seeks sustainable contact tracking in all cases to find and isolate as many close contacts as possible for positive patients. To do so, the association said the state may need to employ more tracers or use technology to help support interviews.
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OMA requires a “subtle approach” when deciding to reopen a school or daycare. According to the report, parents who choose not to bring their children back to school should be offered an alternative.
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“Most children are generally at lower risk of developing severe symptoms of the virus, but some children and some teachers and staff with basic health conditions are at higher risk. Parents can also be at increased risk if a child is infected and brought back home. ”
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Ontario schools and most nurseries are closed as of mid-March. A decision on whether they will reopen for the rest of the school year is expected early next week.
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Finally, OMA should provide government “simple, timely, effective, evidence-based and transparent” communication with citizens to ensure that everyone works with public health measures. I say.
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OMA represents more than 43,000 physicians, residents, medical students, and retired physicians.
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