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Talking, researchers say that “airborne droplets” are created and can stay in the air for up to 14 minutes.


Los Angeles—Simple, harmless-looking conversations can generate thousands of droplets of oral fluid that can spread over a fairly large radius and can stay in the air for up to 14 minutes, and in some cases Even longer, researchers suggest in a new study, which may help answer important questions about the high transmissibility of the new coronavirus.

by ReportWas first published in a peer-reviewed journal, The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that respiratory viruses such as COVID-19 may spread through droplets produced by coughing and sneezing. Is generally known.

What is not well understood is that normal speech between individuals produces as many respiratory droplets as it can stay in the air for at least 8 minutes, allowing the respiratory virus to spread as efficiently. I can help you.

Scientists at the National Institute of Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Kidney Disease and the University of Pennsylvania used laser light to pinpoint the number of droplets emitted during a typical human conversation.

“High-sensitivity laser light scattering observations have revealed that thousands of droplets of oral fluid can be emitted loud each second,” the authors write.

This study did not analyze splashes from people with COVID-19, but was intended to explain one way the virus spreads.

Since social distance is still the best-known weapon for containing viruses, some research has been done on respiratory droplet transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that COVID-19 is known to spread through these droplets in the air.

Studies have shown that the CDC recommends that you be at least 6 feet away from a person who may have COVID-19.

A study by MIT researchers in March warned that new coronavirus droplets could reach up to 27 feet.

It frowned in the medical community. Among them, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases, warned the discovery.

“This can be really terribly misleading,” Forch said at a White House press conference on March 31st, adding that it only applies to people with very strong sneezes.

In another study conducted by CDC in April, researchers suggested that the “maximum transmission distance of SARS-CoV-2 aerosols” could be 4 meters or 13 feet.

The study analyzed surface and air samples from an intensive care unit in a hospital in Wuhan, China, and a typical COVID-19 ward.

Last Tuesday’s testimony Senate Committee Regarding the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus, Forch, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, warned that there is still much to learn about the virus, and in particular how it spreads.

The CDC has also warned that COVID-19 can be transmitted via airborne droplets, but authorities have also warned that coronaviruses can survive on hard surfaces for days.

Another experiment intended to show how easy a virus can spread via contact with physical surfaces was recently taken by the Japanese public broadcaster NHK.

This video aims to explain the rate at which viruses like COVID-19 spread in environments like cruise ships and buffet restaurants.

Ten participants participated in the experiment. 1 person has been designated as “Patient 0”. Assuming the infected person held their cough down with their hands, a fluorescent paint, visible only under UV light, was applied to their palm to explain the virus.

The remaining participants, including “infected” individuals, could enjoy the free buffet provided for the next 30 minutes, after which invisible paint appeared to have spread everywhere.

As pre-pandemic social norms became questioned during the pandemic era, studies such as those that analyze respiratory droplets that are produced from normal as little stories as future stories will Helps health professionals better identify safer practices that may help prevent infection spikes.

“This direct visualization shows how normal speech can be suspended for tens of minutes or more, and is very capable of transmitting disease in confined spaces. It shows how to generate it, ”the authors write.

Associated Press contributed to this story.



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