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Prostate Cancer: Experts Address Some Common Misconceptions

Prostate Cancer: Experts Address Some Common Misconceptions


“”Prostate cancer At least in India, it is one of the least talked about cancer among the general public. Therefore, there remains a lot of confusion surrounding the disease, “said Dr. Anish Kumar Gupta, an andrologist, urologist, urologist and sexual scientist who consults with Pract.

When asked about the disease, he added that most men “have their own concept, aren’t backed by medical information, change topics, or just joking about it.” ..

“Most men who have heard of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) will say that PSA is the benchmark. cancer Prostate diagnosis for them and their doctors, “he said when he continued to address some misconceptions about the disease.

1. Prostate cancer is a disease of the elderly. error!

Sixty-five percent of cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 65, and 35% of men are diagnosed at an early age.

Incidence by age:
<40 years old: 1 in 10,000 men
40-50 years old: 1 in 40-60 people.
60-69 years old: 1 in 15 males.

There are many risk factors to consider, such as race, family history, physical health, lifestyle, and even geographic location.

2. Asymptomatic means that there is no prostate cancer. error!

“Prostate cancer is one of the most asymptomatic cancers in oncology, meaning that not all men experience symptoms. Often the symptoms are false or other. It could be due to something, “says Dr. Gupta.

Signs of prostate cancer are often first detected by a doctor during routine examinations. Common symptoms include the need for frequent urination, difficulty in starting or stopping urination, weak or interrupted urination flow, pain or burning sensation in urination, difficulty in erecting, pain in ejaculation, urine or semen. Blood, or frequent pain and stiffness in the lower part of the back, waist or upper leg. Always consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

3. Prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer. Don’t worry. NSSometimes yes. Sometimes no.

“You can only comment on aggression after performing a biopsy with the patient’s age and health in mind. The patient understands the complexity of the disease and consults with a trusted urologist to himself. You need to decide on a treatment that suits you, “he emphasized.

4. Prostate cancer does not occur in my family, so I am unlikely to get it. error!

Although not entirely true, family history doubles the chances of a man being diagnosed with one in three. This is compared to 1 in 8 women diagnosed with breast cancer. Family history and genetics affect a man’s chances of developing prostate cancer. Men whose father or siblings have prostate cancer are twice as likely to develop the disease. The risk is further increased if the cancer is diagnosed in a younger age (<55 years) family, or if it affects a family of 3 or more.

5. PSA test is a cancer test. error!

The PSA test measures the level of prostate-specific antigens in the prostate, not cancer. PSA is produced by the prostate in response to many problems that may be present in the prostate, including inflammation and infections (prostatitis), benign prostatic hyperplasia (benign prostatic hyperplasia), and in some cases cancer.

Think of it as the first alarm smoke alarm, not a fire alarm. The PSA test can be the first step in the cancer diagnostic process. It enabled the detection of cancer in the early stages when it is best treated. Experts believe that the PSA test will save the lives of about one of the 39 men tested.

Conversely, there is also the risk of over-detection of cancer, which may not affect the patient’s life. It is supported by various Cancer Watchdog Organizations around the world.

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