Vaccine makers are angry with ZyCov-D’s “differentiated pricing” and lack of export clarity.
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New Delhi: Gujarat-based ZyCov-D, a potential newcomer to the Covid-19 vaccination program, is priced differently from the vaccines currently in use (Covishield and Covaxin) by the Narendra Modi government By admitting that, these two vaccines.
The world’s first DNA vaccine costs as much as that of the Covid immune basket, despite the Serum Institute of India (manufacturer of Covishield) and Barrat Biotech (manufacturer of covaxin) waiting for clarification. Vaccine exports announced last week by the government that are unlikely.
India announced that exports of Covid vaccines will resume in October shortly before Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States, but how much and under what conditions companies can still export. Not informed about.
React to Report Zydus demanded Rs 1,900 for three doses of the vaccine, and one source at the vaccine maker said it would be “very unfair” if the government agreed to such a significantly different price. Told to.
“It’s their decision to use an expensive delivery mechanism for vaccines. Why does the government have to pay for it? Such a decision is huge for companies that have been running the program for a long time. It will be discouraging. Even their production capacity is very low — just about one roll is ready. If rollout is very important, private ZyCov-D like Sputnik You can keep it in sector-only mode and see how many people choose it, “he added.
Concerns were informally communicated to the government, sources said. However, government officials said such highs were unlikely to be accepted and negotiations are currently halfway.
At a Covid-19 briefing last week, Health Minister Rajesh Bhushan did not disclose the date of introduction of ZyCov-D in the national Covid vaccination program, but made it clear that vaccine prices would be different. Boushan Said: “Since ZyCov-D Since it is a needleless, three-dose vaccine, the price is different from the vaccine currently in use. “
Indian government Currently procured Kobi Shield is 205 rupees per time and Kovaxin is 215 rupees per time.
ThePrint contacted both SII and Bharat Biotech for comment via WhatsApp. SII refused to issue an official statement, but a response from Bharat Biotech is awaited.
When asked about the price of the vaccine, a Zydus Cadila spokeswoman said the company “has not announced anything about this.” “You will continue to be posted,” the spokesman added.
Read again: The vaccine reduces the risk of Covid infection, but only 90 days of protection against Delta: Oxford study
Needleless applicators are increasing costs
ZyCov-D is administered using a needleless applicator or jet injector. This pushes the liquid drug into a narrow stream that can penetrate the skin.
The device has two parts: an applicator and a gun.
While Applicator Manufactured in your own country and costs 90 rupees. The gun is imported and costs 30,000 rupees. It can be used for 10,000 people because each dose of 20,000 shots or vaccine consists of 2 shots.
Export is not clear
Just before Prime Minister Modi traveled to the United States last month, the government announced that India would resume exporting vaccines in October.
government Estimate It means that about 10 billion rupees of vaccine will be available between October and December.
Officials said this gave the government confidence, apart from questions about international commitments that would have inevitably risen while the prime minister was in the United States. Announcement of resumption Of export.
However, more than two weeks later, it is still unclear how much vaccine manufacturers can export.
A SII spokesperson confirmed that the government was awaiting contact on this.
According to sources, the company is already under pressure because it is unable to provide its international commitments, especially the supplies needed to provide it to Covax, an international consortium aimed at the equitable distribution of Covid vaccines.
“We estimate that actual physical exports are unlikely to start this month, and hopefully sometime early next month,” said an industry source, who said on condition of anonymity.
Read again: Mandaviya says 70% of India’s eligible population receives the first dose of the Covid vaccine
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