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Doctors warn about health effects of continued coronavirus shutdowns: “Major casualties”


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Over 600 doctors President Trump Tuesday forces him to end a “public closure” aimed at slowing the expansion of the country CoronavirusCall a wide range of state orders that will close the business and keep children from going home school “Mass casualties” with “exponentially increasing health effects”.

This letter outlines the various effects doctors have observed from shutting down the coronavirus, including lack of regular checkups that may detect heart disease and cancer, increased drug abuse, increased alcohol abuse, and increased financial anxiety. doing.[p]”Poverty and financial uncertainty”, which are “closely related to poor health.”

“We are worried about what appears to be a lack of attention to the future health of our patients,” the doctor says in their letter. “Downstream health effects … are very underestimated and underreported. This is an order of magnitude error.”

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The letter goes on: “Millions of victims of continued shutdowns hide invisible, but they are called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attacks, strokes, or renal failure. In youth, it is called financial insecurity, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancy, poverty, abuse.

“Some people claim that it doesn’t exist because the harm is so widespread. As signers, we know it is not.”

The letter comes as the dispute over when and how to deregulate the coronavirus continues to intensify among cable television, courts, protests, and government officials. Those who lift the limit are warning about the financial consequences of having shutdown enabled. Those who support a more cautious approach end up with more people inevitably becoming infected as more people leave, and last week at a Senate hearing, Anthony, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci warned, “I suffer and die.”

However, these doctors point out other doctors who are suffering not because of the economy or the virus, but simply because they cannot leave home. The doctor’s letter lists a small number of patients per initial and details the experience.

“Patient E.S. is a mother with two children, whose office work has decreased part-time and her husband has given birth,” the letter said. “My father is drinking more, my mother is depressed, I don’t manage my diabetes well, and my kids do little schooling.”

“Patient A.F. has a chronic but previously stable health condition,” continued. “Due to the delay in her selective hip replacement, she was almost sedentary, causing pulmonary embolism in April.”

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Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist, said in a conversation with Fox News, a 31-year-old patient with a history of depression who attended school to earn a master’s degree in psychology received a fentanyl overdose. He said he died about two weeks ago. .. He blames the government-imposed closure.

“She essentially had to stay in her apartment under house arrest, as most people are here [Los Angeles] For weeks, she could not see the therapist-she could talk to the therapist on the phone, but she could not see her directly. She could not attend any group meetings that helped maintain her abstinence from opiates … and she relapsed into depression.

“She was too withdrawn to seek help,” McDonald’s continued. “She was just trying to get out of her pain … I blame these actions by the government for her death.”

Whether Fox News believes the indirect effects of shutdowns are more important than the direct consequences of releasing them, the preventable “suffering and death” that Fauci mentioned last week, and McDonald’s. I asked three other doctors involved in the letter Senate hearing. All four said they believed so.

“The very earliest arguments that sounded reasonably three months ago required the spread of infections in order to limit the overwhelming influx of patients into the hospital that hindered proper care, and as a result, It’s possible to die in certain places, hotspots, especially New York City … Based on the model given, that was initially a valid argument, “McDonald’s said. “What we’ve seen in the last three months is that there are no cities outside of New York and there is no stress at all.”

McDonald’s mentions the misconception that business closures and home orders aimed at “flattening the curve” are aimed at reducing the total number of people sick due to the coronavirus. Rather, the means of flattening these curves is primarily aimed at reducing the number of people who are sick at any given time, so not all patients have access to lifesaving, thus overwhelming the healthcare system. And avoid a surge of cases that would otherwise result in preventable deaths. Critical care.

Dr. Mark McDonald is one of the doctors who signed the letter warning of the health hazards caused by the coronavirus blockade order. (Courtesy of Mark McDonald)

Dr. Mark McDonald is one of the doctors who signed the letter warning of the health hazards caused by the coronavirus blockade order. (Courtesy of Mark McDonald)

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“The hospital is not only overwhelmed, it’s actually closed,” McDonald’s said. “The ER technicians have been reduced by 50%,” he said at a hospital in the Los Angeles area where Dr. Simone Gold, the organizer of the letter, works.

Gold also said the effects of the shutdown were more severe for the majority of people than the potential spread of the virus if the virus was quickly exterminated.

“Looking at the death and serious illness data, they are patients who were very ill in the first place,” she said, “there are always exceptions, but when you look at the pure numbers, they are overwhelmingly patient. Those who are in nursing homes and patients with serious underlying illnesses, which means they need to spend resources there, which I think is very unethical … [the virus] We fly to nursing homes because we divert resources to society as a whole. We have limited resources to put where people were killed. “

Of course, it has been shown that people of all ages can catch the coronavirus. And potentially possible health complications for children have been reported Related to illness.. Fauci also warned about assuming that children are largely protected from the effects of the virus.

“We don’t know everything about this virus … especially when it comes to children.” Said Forsi At the Senate hearing last week. “You have to be careful, not the cavalier.”

Dr. Jeffrey Burke, a concierge doctor who led the writing of letters in Gold in Newport Beach, California, also focuses on the disparities among those affected by the virus.

“There are thousands of us who disagree with Dr. Foech’s point of view. [White House coronavirus response coordinator] Doctor [Deborah] Indeed, Birx, who believes the virus is deadly, dangerous, and contagious, only infects certain American groups, he said. It develops exposed and partially protected antibodies that prevent the virus from spreading to the most vulnerable areas. “

Dr. Simon Gold is the co-founder of A Doctor a Day, an organization dedicated to raising the voice of doctors against coronavirus shutdowns. (Courtesy / Simone Gold)

Dr. Simon Gold is the co-founder of A Doctor a Day, an organization dedicated to raising the voice of doctors against coronavirus shutdowns. (Courtesy / Simone Gold)

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Atlanta’s orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Scott Barber, reflected comments made by other doctors on how to treat the coronavirus without overwhelming the medical system, but the reported mortality from the coronavirus fell. I also mentioned that it may be.

“The overwhelming majority of people with this disease are asymptomatic or have minimal symptoms and are even unaware that they are sick. Therefore, the denominator in calculating mortality is our Is much bigger than he thinks, “he said. .. “Considering these facts, the risk of death from COVID is relatively small.”

A Los Angeles-based emergency medical specialist, Gold led the letter on behalf of a new organization, A Doctor a Day.

Doctor a Day hasn’t officially launched yet, but on Tuesday it sent hundreds of signed letters from doctors across the country to the White House. Gold and the group’s co-founder, Burke, said the coronavirus imposed by the government by raising the voice of doctors who felt that the negative externalities of the shutdown outweighed the potential downsides of allowing people to resume. A normal business that said it started an organization to defend patients against shutdowns.

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To collect the signatures of the letters, Gold and Burke proposed to reduce government interference in the doctor-patient relationship, and in particular, a group of doctors who participated in tackling legal issues at the American Medical Surgeons Association ( AAPS). It is an affordable method of care, advocating for physicians to use hydroxychloroquine for themselves and patients.

In a conversation with Fox News, Gold lamented the politicalization of the debate over hydroxychloroquine, which was taken as a preventative measure against other illnesses, and the potentially harmful effects of this drug were primarily cardiac. He pointed out that it affects people with problems.

The drug is approved for the treatment of malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, Food and Drug Administration Said “[h]Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have not been shown to be safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19. “

The FDA also warns health professionals that this drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of hospitals or research facilities.

Gold says he knows the doctors who are taking hydroxychloroquine directly, and “knows” about its effects as further research progresses, but may be effective in preventing or alleviating COVID-19. There are indications that there is, and therefore understand why doctors take medications themselves and prescribe them to patients.

Other studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for coronaviruses. This greatly informs the consensus that the risks of drugs outweigh the potential benefits.

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Gold is also a member of the National Council of Leaders of the Save Our Country Coalition, a conservative group of groups that aims to “provide a fast, safe, and responsible resumption of American society” and a message about the harm of shutting down. Is becoming political. She said she agreed with the General Principles of the Union and decided to sign on when asked, but she didn’t do much work on it, and a large message from people about resuming the country. Since the part is associated with people, she is considering seeking her name removed. Conservative political perspective.

“I have nothing else to do,” she said. “It’s not really political because it’s causing a big misunderstanding about what I’m doing, so I think I’ll take my name off.”

Gold also said he was not involved in Trump’s re-election campaign at all. AP communication A story about the efforts of the Trump campaign to recruit doctors to uphold the president’s message about the removal of coronavirus regulations. AP Story details a call hosted by a CNP action aimed at involving the senior staff of the Trump campaign, recruiting “very kind Trump” doctors, calling for TV appearances, and resuming the economy. doing. as soon as possible.

Andrew O’Reilly of Fox News and Associated Press contributed to this report.

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