Why did someone get vaccinated when they weren’t vaccinated?
The local experts cited in this article are:
- Dr. Roberto Colon, Chief Medical Officer, Miami Valley Hospital, Premier Health.
- Dr. Michael Kratt, Responsible for infectious diseases at Dayton Children’s Hospital.
- Dr. Jeffrey Waynestein, Patient Safety Officer at Kettering Health.
Q: Colin Powell was vaccinated against COVID-19 but still died of the coronavirus. Does that mean the vaccine is ineffective?
colon: Unfortunately, no vaccine is 100% effective. Sadly, this is an example of a rare outbreak of a vaccinated individual who does not survive the infection. Patients with a weakened immune system, such as those who are being treated for cancer, have lower protection from the vaccine than healthy people or weaken faster than others, so these breakthrough infections. It makes you more susceptible to illness.
Weinstein: Vaccines are very effective in preventing COVID-19 infection and even more effective in preventing hospitalization and death. In the case of Colin Powell, he was at high risk due to his age (84) and the underlying diagnosis of the cancer that caused his death.
Q: If the coronavirus vaccine is effective, why do you give vaccination care if others choose not to be vaccinated?
Clate: We know that unvaccinated people are much more likely to be infected with COVID-19 than those who are vaccinated. The longer the virus circulates in the population and the more people can be infected, the more likely it is that a gene mutation will occur, avoiding the immunization-generated immunity (and the immunity produced by previous infections). I can do it. The more mutations that the virus produces, the more likely it is that resistance to currently available therapies will develop. It is important to block the circulation of the virus — and this is best achieved by vaccination.
colon: These vaccines are not 100% effective, so exposure to more infected people in the community unnecessarily increases exposure. This is especially important for our elderly and those with a weakened immune system who are likely to have a breakthrough infection. In addition, remaining susceptible to infection because it is not immunized increases the risk of the emergence of other variants that are likely to evade vaccines and protection from previous infections. The goal is to ensure that as many people as possible are immunized against COVID-19.
Q: Why are additional / booster shots recommended if the coronavirus vaccine is effective?
Weinstein: Over time, the effectiveness of many vaccines declines, after which booster shots are required. The tetanus vaccine is a good example — booster shots are required every 10 years. Currently, booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are recommended for certain age groups and at-risk groups. This is because defense can be reduced after many months.
Clate: The main purpose of vaccination is to prevent serious illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Preventing symptomatic illness and completely preventing infection is a secondary goal of COVID-19 vaccination. From the time the COVID vaccine first became widely available to the present, the emergence of highly infectious delta mutants has been seen. Vaccine efficacy for the prevention of symptomatic illnesses in the earliest vaccinated people, including health care and other essential workers, people over the age of 65, and people with potential risk factors for severe illness. Was also found to gradually decrease. In addition, the number of people aged 65 and over who were the earliest vaccinated and hospitalized for COVID-19 infection has also increased slightly over time. For healthy individuals under the age of 65, the first vaccination series continues to provide excellent protection against severe illness, hospitalization, and death.
colon: The need for boosters is not uncommon in vaccines. Many of us have been getting regular boosters since childhood. Boosters are needed when the amount of protection diminishes over time, in which case they need to act as a reminder to the immune system to maintain protection against COVID-19.
Credit: Submitted
Q: There are no long-term studies of these coronavirus vaccines. How can I be sure they are safe?
colon: The mRNA vaccine has actually been studied for decades and no long-term risk has been identified. With other vaccines, the risks and problems become apparent quickly or quickly. The vaccine has no side effects or problems that develop months or years after administration.
Clate: Including participants from the original Pfizer, Modana, and J & J vaccine trials provides data on the safety of these vaccines dating back more than 18 months. Billions of people around the world are safely vaccinated against Pfizer, Moderna, or J & J against COVID-19. The US safety surveillance intensity of these vaccines is unprecedented in the history of our country.
Do you have questions about COVID-19, face masks, vaccines, tests, quarantine, or other pandemic related issues?Send them to [email protected].. Answers will be published regularly in print and online.
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