Cancer patients are a high-risk group and need to be vaccinated now | News Extras
Dr. Asante Le Blanc, President of the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society, made a clear call on Monday to members of the cancer community to be vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.
LeBlanc said at a virtual Covid-19 press conference at the Ministry of Health that cancer patients are considered part of a high-risk group because they are associated with Covid-19 infection.
“If infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus, the risk of complications and death is significantly increased in this group, and the risk is even higher for the delta mutants currently present in Japan.
“We, the Trinidad and Tobago Cancer Society, are constantly reminding people to give themselves a chance to fight through a healthy lifestyle and screening. Today, we have a Covid-19 for all cancer communities. Please give me a chance to fight with 3W and add “V” to get vaccinated. “
She said she could understand fear, hesitation, and uncertainty, while adding that cancer patients should consult a doctor and be vaccinated for the correct information.
“We are listening to a common theme … we don’t know much about Covid vaccines, vaccines kill you, you can still get sick if you take the vaccine … and the list is However, historical data since 2002, as these vaccines were first created to combat the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) epidemics in Asia and the Middle East, respectively. there is.
“We know that vaccines against the Covid-19 virus provide an additional layer of protection. We know that complications and mortality from Covid-19 infection are reduced by 97%,” Le Blanc said. Mr. says.
However, she said it is unclear what the SARS-CoV2 virus can do if infected with the SARS-CoV2 virus.
“We know that this virus has an up to 25 percent chance of causing death or complications in a high-risk group of cancer patients.
“This vaccine allows your body to make a jump start by recognizing the virus, and therefore allows your immune system to be ready and waiting, and therefore you. It is much more effective in fighting and removing the virus from the body. Vaccines can reduce the risk of viral infections, thus protecting those who cannot be vaccinated, and causing mild illness when infected. There is a possibility.”
LeBlanc keeps in mind that cancer is already a battle that their bodies have to fight, and cancer patients are always on how to help their bodies through this journey with cancer so that they can conquer and survive. Talk to
“But not only do you need to worry about dealing with the furious cancer treatment emotions now, but there is also Covid-19. We’ll help you worry less. Really protect the most vulnerable people.
“I know there is a lot of false information out there, but at this point it is known that cancer patients are eligible and encouraged to be vaccinated.”
She said there are very special situations where vaccination schedules are delayed and those situations will be highlighted by your oncologist in the patient.
“Most commonly, if you are receiving aggressive radiation therapy that suppresses your immune system, so postpone your schedule, but talk with your oncologist or oncology team.”
LeBlanc said her message was directed not only to cancer patients, but also to their relatives and caregivers, who are their support circle.
“You are helping this illness journey with your loved ones, but if you are not vaccinated, it can actually do more harm than good.”
She said it was largely transformed into an unvaccinated pandemic, adding that misinformation and population divisions could not afford to lose the battle.
“My last and most important advice to you today is the importance of screening. We ask and encourage both men and women to maintain a healthy lifestyle and not delay screening. The delay in screening with COvid-19 has occurred over the past year, due to the presence of Covid-19 in the community. As long as there are no symptoms, that is, asymptomatic and confirmed Covid-19 patients. As long as you haven’t been in contact with recently and the screening deadline has come, please contact your health center, healthcare professionals, and the Trinidad Tobago Cancer Society for your screening.
“Screening enables early detection, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and improving survival, our best weapon against cancer.
“Be screened for prostate, cervical, breast and colorectal cancer. This is a global battle against cancer and is now cancer and Covid-19. We have to do this. Must, and we can do this: healthy lifestyle choices, screening, 3W, vaccination, “Leblanc said.
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