Europe reaches the highest COVID-19 cases every week since the pandemic began |
About 27,000 deaths were reported on the continent last week, more than half of which COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Died worldwide.
Talking to a Geneva journalist, Who Secretary General Tedros Gebreez explanation The virus is skyrocketing not only in countries with low vaccination rates in Eastern Europe, but also in some of the countries with the highest vaccination rates in the world in Western Europe.
“As we’ve said many times, it’s another caveat that vaccines don’t replace the need for other precautions,” Tedros said. “Vaccines reduce the risk of hospitalization, serious illness and death, but they do not completely prevent infection.”
“Must stop” scandal
WHO continues to recommend testing, masking, physical distance, improved ventilation, and proportional use of other means.
“By combining the right measures, countries can find a balance between curbing transmission and opening up society and the economy,” Tedros assured. “No country can simply vaccinate to get out of a pandemic.”
Healthy adults can be boosted or children can be vaccinated while healthcare workers, the elderly and other high-risk groups around the world are still waiting for their first dose, according to WHO officials. It doesn’t make sense to do it.
In low-income countries, which Tedros described as a “scandal that must be stopped now,” boosters that are six times the primary dose are given worldwide every day.
WHO Chief also provided the latest information COVAX, A UN-led global initiative aimed at equitable access to vaccines.
The tool currently ships approximately 500 million vaccines to 144 countries and territories.And all states have begun vaccination, with the exception of Eritrea and the Democratic People s Republic of Korea.
“Most countries are ready to weaponize doses, but they need doses,” Tedros said.
Achieving the goal of vaccination of 40% of the population of all countries by the end of this year would require an additional 550 million doses, which is equivalent to about 10 days of production. .. Is this the correct Alex?
The pandemic influenced other vaccination campaigns, Tedros explained.
NS report More than 22 million babies missed their first measles vaccine last year, according to the WHO and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, released this week. This is 3 million more than in 2019, the largest increase in 20 years.
The pandemic has postponed a total of 24 measles vaccination campaigns in 23 countries, putting more than 93 million people at risk.
However, compared to 2019, the number of reported cases decreased by more than 80%.
“But this decline is not a celebration, but a cause of concern,” said Tedros, explaining that measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may have contributed to the laboratory specimens sent to the test. He said it was the worst in 10 years.
“Reduced vaccination, combined with weak surveillance, testing and reporting, creates ideal conditions for an explosive outbreak of measles,” he said.
Diabetes mellitus
on Sunday, World Diabetes Day Celebrating the 100th anniversary of insulin, which has enabled 9 million people with type 1 diabetes to manage deadly illnesses.
For more than 60 million people with type 2 diabetes, insulin is essential to reduce the risk of kidney failure, blindness, and amputation.
“Scientists who first discovered insulin a century ago refused to benefit from the discovery and sold their patents for just $ 1,” recalls Tedros. “Unfortunately, that gesture of solidarity was overtaken by the billion-dollar business that created the huge access gap.”
One in two people who need insulin for type 2 diabetes does not get it.
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