Everything you need to know about Johnson & Johnson COVID Booster
NS Omicron variant Scientists are creating a wave of concern around the world as they seek to pinpoint exactly what threats they pose in our race to contain COVID-19. In response to new variants, the White House is focusing on the COVID-19 booster as a defense against the ever-changing coronavirus. Anyone over the age of 18 who gets Pfizer or Moderna can get a booster at least 6 months after the second shot, and everyone who gets Johnson & Johnson will get a booster at least 2 months after the shot. You can get it.
The CDC has wiped out this month to allow all adults to get boosters, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine once It has been the target of another shot since October. According to the CDC, a single dose of Johnson & Johnson is less effective than a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Fewer people have obtained a single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine than Pfizer or Modana. This is partly due to the fact that it became available later than both mRNA vaccines in the United States, due to production issues. Millions of wasted dosesSuspended in April after concerns about links to, and Rare but serious Blood coagulopathy not seen with mRNA vaccine (mainly women under 50 years old).
People who received the single-dose J & J vaccine, including those with immunodeficiency, were initially excluded from the national booster plan due to lack of data on the single-dose vaccine.Booster rollouts are generally controversial-members World Health Organization is calling on countries such as the United States Delaying the process of giving booster doses to already vaccinated people, as much of the world has not been vaccinated against COVID-19.Slightly 5.8% of people in low-income countries According to Our World in Data, I have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine.
With boosters becoming a reality in the United States, here’s what you need to know if you got a J & J:
Need to be another shot of J & J?
No. You can get one of the three COVID-19 vaccines, depending on your personal circumstances and preferences. This margin is not unique to those who have acquired Johnson & Johnson. After the FDA and CDC approve a “mix and match” approach to heterogeneous boosters or COVID-19 boosters, all fully vaccinated adults can opt for a different booster. Johnson & Johnson booster is the same dose as the original vaccine.
In fact, some people choose mRNA boosters because of the high risk of rare but serious complications of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Women under the age of 50 are at increased risk of blood coagulation disorders associated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, so “Know about other available COVID-19 vaccine options We did not see this risk, “says the CDC (these blood clots are very rare, but they are usually serious because they require different treatment than blood clots, such as taking oral contraceptives or flying. Is believed to be).
Importantly, this risk has nothing to do with Pfizer or Modana vaccines.There is also a rare risk Neuropathy It is related to Johnson & Johnson and occurs primarily in older men.of Clinical guidance published this weekThe CDC aims to support the walking of eligible adults through booster dose selection, and patients with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome will discuss the availability of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for protection against coronavirus. “It should be.
At an October meeting with the CDC’s advisory board, Dr. Pablo Sanchez of the Commission agreed that those who received Johnson & Johnson should receive a second dose, but “they should receive the mRNA vaccine. I hope to get the vaccine. ”
Although data on US “combination vaccines” are limited, It’s been done for months in other countries, Some individuals AstraZeneca (Viral vector vaccines like Johnson & Johnson) Combined with the dose of mRNA vaccine. Preliminary data When mixed with the COVID-19 vaccine for boosters in the United States, all three COVID-19 vaccines used as boosters for J & J recipients elicited a strong response, whereas the Moderna and Pfizer boosters had a much stronger antibody response. Was found to have induced-76 times and 35 times, respectively-than the second dose of Johnson & Johnson (4 times).Impressive, but the antibody response is Not the big picture Of immunity.
What if I get a J & J due to immunodeficiency?
Received Johnson & Johnson and said, “Moderate or severe immunodeficiency“A booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine should be given at least 2 months after a single dose. This is the same recommendation for everyone else who has been vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson, but the immune system suppresses it. People who have been vaccinated are usually not able to get the vaccine. It is especially important to look for a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine as a strong immune response.
Compared to Moderna and Pfizer, people with immunodeficiency are very unlikely to receive Johnson & Johnson, but due to lack of data, they will be given additional doses to people with moderate or severe immunodeficiency. Ignored by the CDC’s initial recommendations. (People with immunodeficiency were eligible for the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in front of the general public, which means they may have obtained a pandemic, faster available Modana or Pfizer.) Last month, the CDC , Modana or Pfizer recipients with moderate or severe immunodeficiency You may receive a 4th shot or booster At least 6 months after the third shot.
When will I get the booster?
At least 2 months after the first vaccination.
Obtaining the original series of COVID-19 vaccines is the best thing people can do to protect against serious COVID-19 diseases.For those who have not been vaccinated More than 10 times more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19 More than fully vaccinated people, according to the CDC’s September data.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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