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Covid NI: Health Trust for Opening Vaccination Booster Clinic


Robin Swann, Secretary of State for Health Announced a significant expansion of the Covid-19 vaccination program in Northern Ireland to meet current and future demand for booster doses.

This was after the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) recommended a phased extension of the booster immunization program for all adult age groups.

We provide boosters to all people over the age of 18 in descending order of age group, with the elderly. COVID-19 Group at risk.

Booster vaccination can be given 3 months after the completion of the primary course.

Mr. Swan “We greatly welcome JCVI’s guidance, which has been updated in the light of the new situation of Omicron variants.

“Our vaccination program will continue to elicit all cessation to bring booster doses to all eligible age groups as soon as possible.

“Our booster program, in many respects, reflects a primary vaccination program that is steadily descending across different age groups over the course of several months.

“Currently, we have more than 3 million Covid-19 jabs in Northern Ireland in less than a year. This is a remarkable achievement of the healthcare system under harsh and relentless pressure.”

The minister continued: “I would like to remind people not to postpone the first, second, or booster dose due to concerns or speculation about the Omicron variant.

“Vaccination, like other variants of SARS-CoV-2, is very likely to continue protection from severe illness caused by Omicron.

“In addition, our vaccine provides excellent protection against the Delta mutant, which is currently the predominant strain in Northern Ireland.”

The Health Trust’s Immunization Hubs and Clinics, which will open this week throughout Northern Ireland, will complement the ongoing immunization work of GPs and local pharmacies and significantly enhance the system’s ability to provide boosters.

In addition, the pharmacy department has finalized plans for a special weekend for additional walk-in booster vaccination clinics this Saturday and Sunday, December 4th and 5th.

First, most trust vaccination hubs and clinics focus primarily on boosters over the age of 50. Everyone in this category should be called by your GP, but if you haven’t received a booster yet, you can join a community pharmacy or trust center. The Trust Center also offers continuous first and second doses to all eligible age groups and will be open shortly between the ages of 40 and 49 for booster doses.

People over the age of 50 can now choose to wait for a booster to be invited by their GP or go to a local pharmacy or trust center.

The division of roles between vaccine providers is subject to ongoing review and may be updated in the coming weeks.

Patricia Donnelly, Head of Immunization Program at NI, said: I would like to thank all the people who have been positive as vaccinated last year. We need you to support us again in the expansion of this important program.

“Given the JCVI recommendations and the gap required between the second dose and booster, the rollout of booster to the entire adult population will be phased out.”

Most trust vaccination hubs offer both carry-on and booking bookings.

The details of the Trust Vaccination Clinic are as follows.

South Eastern Trust

The Vaccination Centers at Ulster Hospital and Lagan Valley Hospital are open to bringing in and booking first and second doses of boosters and Pfizer of all eligible age groups. The clinic will also be held this weekend at Downpatrick’s Downshire Hospital.

Ulster Hospital -Monday to Thursday 9 am-7:30pm.Friday to Sunday 9am to 4pm

Lagan Valley Hospital, Primary & Community Care Center -Monday and Wednesday 9:30 am to 7 pm, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30 am to 4 pm.

Great Hall, Downshire Hospital, Downpatrick -Saturday and Sunday only, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Belfast Trust

Royal Victoria Hospital Vaccination Center Bring-in vaccinations and appointments are available daily from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Belfast Central Fire Department facing Gasworks, Omo Avenue:

Saturday, December 4th and Sunday, December 5th: 10 am-6pm

Walk-in vaccination is available for:

First dose Pfizer: 12 years and older

1st and 2nd Pfizer: 16+

Booster: Over 40 years old

Southern trust

Rushmere Shopping Center, Craigavon -Tuesday, November 30th, 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Thursday, December 2nd, 2pm to 8:30 pm. Friday, December 3rd, 2:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Staff Vaccination Clinic at St. Luke’s Hospital in Armor -Wednesday, December 1st, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Saturday, December 4th, 10 am-5pm

Newly Leisure Center -Thursday, December 2nd, 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Seagoe Parish Center, Portadown -Friday, December 3rd, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm

Junction, Dungannon -Sunday, December 5th, 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

Western Trust

Templemore Sports Complex, Derry / Londonderry

Lakeland Forum, Enniskillen

December 1st to December 14th

Croy Community Center, Hill Crest Road, Waterside, Delhi / London Delhi

Omar Leisure Center, Omar

December 15th to December 21st

The center is open 7 days a week from 9 am to 4:30 pm daily. However, it is open from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays, making evening bookings easier.

Reservations are currently accepted at all centers. Walk-ins are also promoted at each site.

Northern Trust

Northern Trust Vaccination Center Seven Towers Leisure Center Open for reservations only this week, Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm (closed from 12:30 to 1pm)

Next week we will change business hours to provide an evening clinic, Monday through Friday from 12:00 pm to 8:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Reservations can be made online

A list of pharmacies offering booster jabs is available on the Health and Social Care Board website.

Fill out the Vaccine Passport Survey below or click here..

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