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Kids and Boosters: Some teens may get boosters soon, but younger kids may not get boosters at all

Kids and Boosters: Some teens may get boosters soon, but younger kids may not get boosters at all


Dr. Sean O’Leary, a professor of pediatric infectious diseases at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Colorado Children’s Hospital, His fellow pediatrician said he was beginning to hear from more parents, “especially for older children who were vaccinated a few months ago.”
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Recommended now All adults get the Covid-19 vaccine booster. Adults vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine are eligible for booster 6 months after the second vaccination. Those who have been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine are eligible for a booster vaccine approved two months after the first vaccination.

Last week, Pfizer requested the US Food and Drug Administration to extend the emergency use authorization for boosters to include children aged 16 and 17. Authorities must approve before teens can qualify as boosters.

But young kids still have no questions, and there is no official timeline as to when they may need to roll up their sleeves.

Most experts say it may be for a while-if younger kids get boosters.

Does the immunity of children and teens weaken?

Data for a fully vaccinated adult population From some studies Shown there Immunity was weakened Over time, the booster helped restore it. The science is not yet clear whether younger children need different shots.Researchers are still collecting data and some answers should be available next year, The scientist said.
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First, determine if your child is experiencing a weakened immune system and is beginning to see an increase in breakthrough infections.

“Perhaps most importantly, do children who have been vaccinated twice before have serious consequences?” O’Leary, vice chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Infectious Diseases Commission, said. Stated.

Adults have been eligible for the Covid-19 vaccine since last year, but younger children will start later. The emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine was not extended to include children aged 12 to 15 years until May 10. Children aged 5-11 were on October 29th.

This means that research on children is done behind adults.

“Most people haven’t talked about this yet because they don’t know how long children will respond to the vaccine,” he said. Dr. Claudia Hoyen, Director of Pediatric Infection Control at UH Rainbow Babys and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.
How does my child feel about receiving the Covid-19 vaccine?

Due to the different immune systems of children, scientists cannot replace them with adult studies. Children’s immune systems are usually more powerful and, for example, can be protected longer than older people, whose immune system is less robust.

“Children’s immunity can last long, which means they may be on a different schedule than adults, if they need it,” Hoyen said. rice field. She thinks it is possible. “Even children can catch a cold, another coronavirus, so they may need them. We really don’t know yet.”

In November, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, told CNN’s John Berman that adolescents may need boosters at some point. Immune response is better and stronger than the elderly. Elderly people drink at once, but that’s the truth. “

Is the booster effect safe for children?

Second, scientists also need to determine if a third dose is safe for these younger age groups.

Answer Children & # 39; Questions about the Covid-19 vaccine between the ages of 5 and 11 (and parents)

“In fact, it will be informed as we are learning more and more as more doses are given,” O’Leary said.

For example, you may want to know if more children are vaccinated and more cases of myocarditis (a type of heart inflammation) increase. “We know that it rarely happens after vaccination, so that will play a role-is the third vaccine safe?”

So far, scientists are monitoring the youngest group ever vaccinated, ages 5-11. When asked about the safety of vaccines for infants on Tuesday, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said authorities are compiling data on signs of safety issues.

“We have nothing to come to us as a signal, and we keep watching it carefully,” she said at the Whitehouse Covid-19 briefing.

Need to prioritize boosters for kids?

Apart from questions about reduced efficacy and safety, vaccine companies should also work on whether boosters will bring sufficient benefits to this group.

“Is it worthwhile to assign vaccines to this group of patients and keep them safe, or is it safe enough given that they are young, given that they are in the low-risk category?” Dr. Claire BougardKids, the medical director of the Covid-19 Vaccine Program at Children’s National in Washington, DC, can catch Covid, but usually handles it better than adults and is hospitalized with Covid-19. It is much less likely that you will die or die.

“They don’t want to stress systems that are already stressed to vaccinate an additional 2.3 million people if they don’t need them,” Bougard said.

One of the best ways to keep all children safe from Covid-19, even without boosters, is to make sure that as many people as possible are fully vaccinated, Boogaard says. I did.

“It doesn’t just keep you safe. The more qualified people (fully vaccinated, boosted and qualified), the more this virus replicates and causes something more dramatic. Is unlikely to have the advantage. ”





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