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Coronavirus creates “cancer treatment backlog”


Coronavirus Outbreak Research suggests it has caused a “cancer treatment backlog.” “data-reactid =” 32 “>Coronavirus Outbreak Research suggests that it has triggered a “cancer treatment backlog.”

An analysis by Cancer Research UK revealed that about 2.4 million British people await screening, testing, or treatment during lockdown.

Screening is most affected, with 2.1 million people missing smear, mammogram, and gut assessments.

Cancer Research UK predicts that approximately 3,800 cancer cases will usually be diagnosed during this period.

Early studies suggest that coronavirus is mild in 4 out of 5 casesHowever, it can cause a respiratory illness called COVID-19. “data-reactid =” 36 “>Early studies suggest that coronavirus is mild in 4 out of 5 casesHowever, it can cause a respiratory illness called COVID-19.

A masked traveler will ride a bicycle at Amsterdam Central Station in the Netherlands on June 1, 2020. Public transport passengers must wear a face mask from June 1 to prevent the spread of coronaviruses. (Photo: Robin VAN LONKHUIJSEN / ANP / AFP) / Holland OUT (Photo: ROBIN VAN LONKHUIJSEN / ANP / AFP via Getty Images)

Cyclists wear masks in Amsterdam. (Getty Images)

“The enormous tension COVID-19 has placed on cancer services is of great concern to us,” said Michel Mitchell, CEO of Cancer Research UK.

“The NHS had to make very difficult decisions to balance risk. During this time, there were some difficult discussions with patients about their safety and their ability to continue treatment.

“But now we are above the peak of the pandemic and we have a” COVID-protected “space in place, so cancer treatment is starting to resume. “

1 in 2 people born in the UK since 1960 will grow statistically Some form of cancer in life. Data-reactid = “51”>1 in 2 people born in the UK since 1960 will grow statistically Some kind of cancer in their life.

Cancer patients “in queue” for treatment

It is Paul Soderkist who has a good understanding of how coronaviruses affect cancer treatment.

A 66-year-old living in London was diagnosed with lung and prostate cancer in 2019.

He had surgery for lung cancer in February, but his prostate cancer radiation therapy had to be withheld.

“I am in an unusual position to have two diagnoses within a few weeks, counting the blessings of having a lung surgery earlier this year,” Soderquist said.

He was told that his prostate cancer was non-invasive and he should recover completely, but the delay in treatment made him anxious.

“I was planning to receive radiation therapy, which was postponed until September because of the virus, but I still have injections to block testosterone,” Soderquist said.

Testosterone has been shown to promote prostate cancer growth.

“I understand the reason for the delay and know that I’m in the queue, but the situation feels uncertain,” Soderquist said.


Cancer patients don’t have to wait for the coronavirus to finish

An analysis by Cancer Research UK also found that up to 290,000 urgent cancer cases were referred to a specialist within two weeks.

According to charities, the illness usually reaches 20,300 during this period.

There is also a backlog of treatment, with up to 12,750 patients not going to surgery, 6,000 not receiving chemotherapy and 2,800 not receiving radiation.

The “COVID-protected” space is to cope with the growing backlog, allowing more people to be safely diagnosed or treated.

Cancer Research UK warns that this will only work if all patients and staff, whether or not they have symptoms, are regularly tested for coronavirus.

“We [the coronavirus] Asymptomatic or presymptomatic, on the other hand, is a major concern that healthcare professional staff and patients can transmit infections, ” said Charles Swanton, a chief clinician at Cancer Research UK. I will.

According to a charity analysis, to test a patient once a week in front of a hospital appointment and staff, you need to use 21,000 to 37,000 swabs daily.

“The NHS now needs clear domestic leadership and guidance in order to dramatically improve test levels,” Mitchell said.

“At the moment, we don’t know who is responsible for making cancer services safe, and who is suffering in the meantime, patients.

“Governments need to work closely with the NHS to deliver tests as quickly as possible and get results as quickly as practicable.

“Prompt diagnosis and treatment are still important to give cancer patients the greatest chance of survival and prevent the pandemic from taking even more lives.”

Professor Swanton added: “My colleague and I have confirmed that this pandemic has had a devastating effect on both patients and NHS staff.

“Delayed diagnosis and treatment may make some cancers inoperable.

“Patients don’t have to wait for this to end before they can get the treatment they need.”

This was followed by a recent survey of 580 patients with breast cancer Now that thousands of women with incurable forms were concerned about delayed treatment, scans, and access to clinical trials.

Ask the nurse The Helpline is reported to have seen a 60% surge in calls in March, when lockdown began. “data-reactid =” 94 “> for charities Ask the nurse Helplines are reported to have seen a surge of 60% in calls in March, when lockdown began.

NHS breast screening has been discontinued in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Only some UK trust companies offer services.

“The NHS Breast Cancer Screening Program is essential for early detection in the UK and can prevent about 1,300 deaths from breast cancer each year. We hope this important service can be fully resumed as soon as possible.” Breast Cancer Now Chief Responsibility Said Baroness Delice Morgan.

While steps were being taken to find more cancers, she emphasized that patients with incurable or advanced breast cancer should not be forgotten.

“Without a clear plan to resume treatment, services, and clinical trials as soon as they are safe and workable, thousands of people with advanced cancer can miss their loved ones and precious extra time. It will definitely hurt, “said the Baroness.

This issue is occurring outside the UK.

In May, a World Health Organization (WHO) survey of 155 countries found that 42% had partial or complete discontinuation of cancer treatment.

“Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people in need of treatment for diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes have not received the healthcare services and medicines they need.”

“The important countries are [non-communicable diseases] They will continue as they fight COVID-19.

MOSCOW, RUSSIA-JUNE 1, 2020: Man with bicycle at Leningradsky station. The non-grocery retail facility will resume on June 1st, as blockade restrictions were eased during the pandemic of the COVID-19 coronavirus, according to the order of Moscow Mayor Sergeisovanin. Vladimir Gerdo / TASS (Photo by Vladimir Gerdo  TASS via Getty Images)

A man wears a mask in Moscow. (Getty Images)

What is Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is one of seven strains of the virus class known to infect humans.

Others cause everything from a cold to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), which killed 774 during the 2002/3 outbreak.

According to Johns Hopkins University.. “data-reactid =” 117 “> More than 6.1 million cases have been confirmed worldwide since the coronavirus outbreak was confirmed, According to Johns Hopkins University..

Of these cases, more than 2.6 million are known to have “recovered”.

Worldwide, the death toll exceeds 372,400.

Coronaviruses spread face-to-face primarily through infected droplets that are excreted by coughing and sneezing.

May spread in feces And Survive on the surface.. “data-reactid =” 121 “> There is also evidence May spread in feces And Survive on the surface..

There is no “set” treatment for coronaviruses, and most patients will naturally fight off the infection.

People in need of hospitalization are given “supportive care” like ventilation while the immune system becomes functional.

wash hands& Regular & Maintenance & nbsp;Avoid crowds.. “data-reactid =” 124 “> authorities prevent people from getting infected wash hands Regular and maintenance Avoid crowds..

Coronavirus: What Happened Today

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