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pen.Females fear rabies after dealing with monkeys after a crash

pen.Females fear rabies after dealing with monkeys after a crash


A Pennsylvania woman was prescribed medication because of health concerns after meeting with several hiss-noise monkeys fleeing a truck crash.

Michele Fallon jumped out of the car for help after seeing a pickup with 100 cynomolgus monkeys on it. Collide with a dump truck on a state road Just outside Danville on Friday.

“I thought I was helping and doing the right thing,” Fallon told the locals. TV station WBRE..

But when she began to see dozens of crates rolling off the truck, she encountered one of the excited monkeys.

She remembered another driver and said she thought she saw a cat running across the road when she looked into one of the crates and saw a monkey staring at her.

Fallon later increased his vigilance when authorities warned him not to approach or approach the four monkeys that had escaped because they could infect the disease. She contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and told her to take preventive measures immediately.

Michelle Fallon (right) witnessed the accident and immediately tried to help both drivers who were carrying the animals.
Michelle Fallon (right) witnessed the accident and immediately tried to help both drivers who were carrying the animals.
Michelle Fallon said he was afraid to get rabies because of the open cuts exposed to monkeys.
Michelle Fallon said he was afraid to get rabies because of the open cuts exposed to monkeys.

“I was very close because I was near the monkeys, touched the crate and walked their dung, so I called to ask, you know, I was safe “?” Fallon said.

Fallon chose to go to the hospital because he had an open cut in his hand and began to develop symptoms of pink eyes that he feared might be related to monkeys.

She receives her first dose of the rabies vaccine and must take antivirals for the next two weeks.

The monkeys had just arrived from Africa and were on their way to a safe CDC-approved facility when the crush occurred.
The monkeys had just arrived from Africa and were on their way to a safe CDC-approved facility when the crush occurred.
Jimmy May / Bloomsburg Via Press Enterprise A
Game Commission officers pull up while Pennsylvania soldiers prepare to find a few monkeys that have escaped from the crate.
Game Commission officers pull up while Pennsylvania soldiers prepare to find a few monkeys that have escaped from the crate.
Jimmy May / Bloomsburg Press Enterprise (via AP)
A Pennsylvania woman fears she may have had rabies after unknowingly exposing a box of 100 monkeys to an open wound.
A Pennsylvania woman fears she may have had rabies after unknowingly exposing a box of 100 monkeys to an open wound.
Pennsylvania Police Depart

“The monkeys made me hiss, there was stool around, and I had an open cut, so they just want to be cautious,” Fallon said.

When she decided to stop and help, Fallon said, the driver never warned her about the dozens of monkeys he was pulling.

“He just asked if his trailer was okay. He never said,’If you come near a crate, don’t touch it.’

According to the CDC, three of the monkeys were euthanized, but did not give a reason.
According to the CDC, authorities did not reveal the reason, but three monkeys were euthanized.
Pennsylvania Police
Crate with live monkeys will be collected next to a trailer that was being transported along Route 54 on January 21, 2022.
Crate with live monkeys will be collected next to a trailer that was being transported along Route 54 on January 21, 2022.
(Jimmy May / Bloomssburg Press Enterprise via AP

The monkeys had just arrived from Africa and were on their way to a CDC-approved quarantine facility in Florida at the time of the crash.

All 100 monkeys were explained by Saturday afternoon and three were euthanized for private reasons, a CDC spokeswoman said.




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