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Changes in the severity of COVID-19 in Minnesota hospitals


An unprecedented surge in COVID-19 hit hospitals in Minnesota this month, but doctors are reducing the number of critically ill patients and making the pandemic wave more manageable.

Minnesota reported more than 1,500 COVID-19 hospitalizations on Wednesday, completely occupying more than 8,000 hospital beds. This usually indicates overcrowding. However, an increase in the proportion of COVID-19 patients was hospitalized for other reasons, and their mild or asymptomatic infections were found by regular screening.

Half of the recent COVID-19 cases at HealthPartners hospitals in Minnesota and western Wisconsin were such “accidental” cases, said Dr. Greg Siwek, a HealthPartners infectious disease specialist. “It’s not that Omicron can’t lead to some serious consequences. It’s true, but the number of new consultations we receive for critically ill COVID patients is higher than it was a few months ago. Definitely less. “

Even accidental COVID-19 presents a challenge. He said a large number of patients admitted to St. Paul’s Regions Hospital for inpatient psychiatric treatment were positive, limiting access to treatment.

As advertised in Minnesota, there are concerns about the rapid spread of Omicron coronavirus variants. A seven-day new infection rate occurred on January 10, almost doubling the previous record and peaked apparently on 31st.

The winter 2020 pandemic wave took 60 days to reach its peak, and the alpha wave last spring took 50 days. The delta wave lasted 150 days last summer and autumn. State health officials believe that the delta wave was prolonged as many Minnesotas who declined in the winter were immunized in the fall due to infections and vaccinations in early 2021.

Booster doses have proven to be protective against severe illness. Sanford Health reported on Tuesday that 32 of the 231 COVID-19 patients received boost immunization at hospitals in Minnesota and Dakota. Of the 29 patients on ventilator, 23 were unvaccinated, 5 received the first COVID-19 vaccine series, and 1 received booster immunity.

Minnesota ranks second in the state, with more than 53% of fully vaccinated populations receiving boost immunization, a step forward in patchwork. The proportion of fully vaccinated residents is 72% in Hennepin County and 64% in northwestern Beltrami County. The percentage of vaccinated residents who received boosters is 56% and 45%, respectively.

The exact number of accidental COVID-19 hospitalizations is unknown. HealthPartners will screen all visiting patients with COVID-19 unless previously infected within 90 days, while the Sanford and CentraCare systems will only test patients with suspicious symptoms or viral exposure. Limited testing can reduce the number of accidental cases.

Additional reports at Iowa showed on Monday that COVID-19 was a secondary cause in 404 of 929 hospitalizations.

The strongest indicator of a reduced pandemic severity in Minnesota is COVID-19 hospitalization, which requires intensive care. Non-ICU cases increased from 1,015 to 1,313, while ICU cases decreased from 299 on January 1st to 230 on Wednesday.

Dr. Cameronberg, an ER physician at North Memorial Health, states that ICU cases of COVID-19 pneumonia remain severe, with poor outcomes and high mortality. Minnesota reported on Thursday another 57 deaths from COVID-19 and 14,633 confirmed infections.

He added that the secondary diagnosis of COVID-19 remains a problem because it is difficult to analyze the underlying role of infection in heart disease, stomach problems, and even traumatic complications. .. “It can be difficult to know what is due to COVID and other conditions where COVID is a coincidence.”

Influenza contributed to congestion at COVID-19 hospitals, but in Minnesota on Thursday it was reported that these cases had dropped from more than 100 in the last week of December to 50 last week. rice field.

Infections among doctors, nurses and other caregivers have also reduced the number of beds with hospital staff during the recent wave. Minnesota has reached a $ 40 million contract to provide 600 nurses and other caregivers to address these shortfalls. Last week, more than 100 people were dispatched to 26 hospitals in Minnesota for 60 hours, 60 days a week. An additional 100 people were expected this week.




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