Humid: Why August could be the most dangerous month to fight Australian COVID-19
Humid: Why August could be the most dangerous month to fight Australian COVID-19
- Experts warned that low humidity in the winter can often lead to spikes
- Research shows that a 1% drop in humidity can increase cases by 6%
- University of Sydney researchers said Sydney’s humidity was the lowest in August
- If the air is the driest, virus particles may remain suspended in the air longer
- Here’s how to help people affected by Covid-19
Due to lower humidity levels in winter, COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Experts warn in Australian cases.
Researchers at the University of Sydney have found that a 1% drop in humidity can increase the number of cases of deadly viruses by 6%.
Michael Ward, the lead epidemiologist in the study, said data from almost 800 cases of COVID-19 in Australia (mostly Sydney) showed that lower humidity was associated with increased case notification. It was
Professor Ward said the New South Wales capital had the lowest humidity in August, meaning the last months of winter could be the most dangerous for the spread of the virus.
Australians have been warned that lower humidity levels could lead to a surge of coronavirus cases in winter Photo: Masked people help Melbourne City to help international students affected by COVID-19 Lined up in the rain on Monday for retail tickets distributed by
He added that there were clear biological reasons why humidity could affect the spread of coronaviruses.
“Low humidity results in dry air and smaller aerosols,” said Ward.
“When you sneeze and cough, these small infectious aerosols can remain suspended in the air for long periods of time.”
Meteorological data show that Sydney’s January-August average humidity has fallen by about 10%.
This study was conducted in collaboration with the University of Sydney’s partner institution, Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
Professor Ward said the study was largely confined to summer-onset cases in Greater Sydney, and further research is needed to determine how humidity affects COVID-19.
Two women wearing masks from the rain on May 9 in Melbourne. Sydney’s average humidity was the lowest in August, lead researcher
Professor Michael Ward states that the lower the humidity, the drier the air. This means that if you sneeze or your infectious particles cough, they may move further.
A pedestrian wearing a coat and mask on May 9 in Melbourne. Previous studies have already established a relationship between COVID-19 transmission and relative humidity levels.
Previous studies have identified an association between climate and the incidence of SARS-CoV cases in Hong Kong and China and the incidence of MERS-CoV cases in Saudi Arabia.
The team said in a statement that a recent study of COVID-19 outbreaks in China found a link between infection and daily temperature and relative humidity.
“Since the pandemics in China, Europe, and North America occurred in the winter, we were interested in seeing if the relationship between COVID-19 cases and climate differed in late summer and early fall in Australia,” Professor Ward said. Told.
“When it comes to climate, we have found that humidity is a major factor here rather than low temperature. This means that the risk of winter with reduced humidity may be increased.”
This study, published in Cross-border Emerging Diseases, is the first peer-reviewed study of the relationship between climate and COVID-19 in the Southern Hemisphere.
Experts also warn that deadly viruses can recur every year.
“It’s most likely to come back in winter,” writes Tony Cunningham, director of the Center for Virus Research at Westmead Institute.
“I don’t know, these are all things we need to be aware of.”
However, the report also emphasizes that human behavior is a major cause of coronavirus transmission, with social distance having a greater impact on outbreak control than seasonal changes.
“It’s a concern, but not a concern. [It’s] Something needs to be managed,” Dr. Finkel wrote.
“In Australia, public policy appears to play a more dominant role in the survival and pathogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus than in the coming winter.”
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