A Glasgow woman who has been misdiagnosed for years with cancer and longed for further treatment
A woman who has been misdiagnosed for a rare cancer for three years is desperately raising money for further treatment abroad.
Laura Gilmour Anderson, born and living in Ireland GlasgowThere is a rare type of cancer called neuroendocrine.
The 34-year-old has spent nearly three years raising health concerns. doctor After experiencing the first abdominal pain in 2017.
Laura claims she repeatedly sought medical help for stomach and back pain, which was said to be a “viral infection.”
The cancerBeginning with her pancreas, it is now spreading during the year she was misdiagnosed.
Laura said mirror : “I went in and out of the GP and had a lot of lower abdominal pain and back pain.
“When I took the blood, they kept saying it was a viral infection and kept saying it was a viral infection until I kept pushing.”
Laura and her husband, Paul Anderson, were also looking for a baby when she began to experience health problems.
At the age of 34, she was initially afraid that something was wrong with her ovaries.
“I’ve always run out of work and have been trying to get pregnant since I got married in 2018.
“You explain it to a general practitioner, but I thought I had something wrong. Something related to the ovaries, or something like that. But they are faster. We didn’t investigate at the stage, “she added.
Further investigation revealed swelling of the spleen in January 2020.
Laura, who was suffering from “severe pain,” was told by her doctor that she would not be treated as the swelling diminished over time.
She states:
“In January 2020, when I was in poor health, I was in severe pain and a scan showed that my spleen was swollen.
“They told me there, and you are young, healthy, healthy, and will soon decline.
“I was back in April. The easiest thing was to go back to A & E, otherwise I wouldn’t be seen.”
When the pandemic caused a national blockade in the UK, Laura struggled to get an answer as GP surgery moved primarily to virtual or telephone triage and booking.
Doctors initially believed that Laura might have endometriosis after examining her ovaries and referred her to a fertility clinic.
However, a CT scan in June 2021 revealed a small shadow given a catastrophic diagnosis.
Laura suffers from a very rare form of pancreatic cancer, neuroendocrine, and was said to have a survival time of only 3 months.
Laura said: “I didn’t give up. I had to go back to the third A & E. [in June] I had an ultrasound and met a radiologist. They saw the shadow on a scan and put me on an MRI.
“At that time, they called me a general practitioner and said,” I have a tumor in my pancreas and it looks like pancreatic cancer. I have three months to live. ” At this time, I wasn’t looking at anyone in my family. In the meantime, they were like, “You need to go home to your family.” “
Laura received severe chemotherapy, but instead of killing the tumor, her cancer spread to the lymph nodes.
With the help of her husband, the couple began looking for other treatments for her “incurable” cancer.
After talking to a Manchester neuroendocrine specialist, she came across a Mexican clinic offering alternative treatments.
Raising more than £ 50,000 to cover the cost of a three-week course at the clinic, Laura traveled abroad in search of “non-toxic” medicines.
While in Mexico, Laura was told she needed more treatment-it would be even more expensive.
A desperate 34-year-old woman who returned to Glasgow for radiation therapy for cancer is now fundraising again.
Laura needs to raise £ 120,000 to pay again for the 6-month course at the clinic.
She states: “Something is working, I’m still alive. Glasgow experts said something was going well, but we don’t know what we know. They have a clinic I’m skeptical of the help I provide.
“Every penny has great significance for us and is a hope for the future.”
You can donate to Laura’s Fundraising here..
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