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What you need to know now

What you need to know now


  • The United States confirmed the first case of bird flu in January after wild South Carolina ducks were tested positive for the virus.
  • Experts have discovered the H5N1 Eurasian strain, a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus type. The same strain caused a wave of bird flu outbreaks in Europe and Asia.
  • Cases of bird flu in the United States continue to increase as the H5N1 strain spreads throughout the United States.
  • Current evidence suggests that H5N1 has a lower risk to humans, but experts state that infection to humans can cause serious symptoms.

Experts are closely watching the increase in cases of bird flu in multiple states, as cases of COVID-19 appear to be declining in the United States.

January, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) The first case of avian influenza in the United States was detected after wild birds hunted in Colleton County, South Carolina were tested positive for the virus.

Experts reported that it was the H5N1 strain, a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI). This is the same strain that caused the outbreak of deadly poultry in Europe and Asia in late 2021.

according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Wild birds usually infect each other with influenza through direct contact. Although there are no signs of illness when wild birds get the flu, bird flu can be fatal to poultry.

Currently, there are no human cases of this bird flu in the United States, but it can still be affected.

In the weeks following early detection, federal authorities have identified new cases in Delaware, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire wild bird populations, and surgery on poultry in Kentucky and Virginia.

Influenza also broke out in backyard herds in various states, including Maine and New York.

USDA confirmed these cases after farm officials euthanized 29,000 turkeys in southern Indiana. This is the first confirmed case of H5N1 in the commercial poultry business since 2020.

Federal and state authorities are working with poultry farmers to enhance biosecurity and prevent new cases. However, this raises concerns about why bird flu is increasing nationwide.

“I don’t know how this bird flu strain invaded the United States. It may have been imported several times and set the focus of infection in different states,” he said. Dr. William Schaffner, Professor of Preventive Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. “Currently, there are concerns that this bird flu can spread more widely in the United States and can be transmitted by the movement of wild birds that can mix with herds of chickens, ducks and turkeys.”

According to experts, bird flu is an infectious disease, especially within different bird populations.

“It’s the flu season, and it’s not surprising that some herds are infected with the flu. It may have spread to other regions, but it hasn’t been tested or identified yet.” I am saying. Dr. Karl FichtenbaumProfessor of Clinical Medicine, Cincinnati University School of Medicine.

“Indiana borders Kentucky, so we might assume that regional expansion is possible, but this doesn’t explain why in Virginia,” Fichtenbaum added. ..

However, Fichtenbaum recommends further monitoring to pinpoint the cause of the spread.

Bird flu is rarely transmitted in its current form, but when it does occur, it can cause serious illness.

“At this point, the risk to the general population is low, but the potential for wild birds to move can spread the risk to other states,” he said. dr Scott WeissenbergNew York University Langone Health Infectious Disease Specialist and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine.

according to CDCIn the last few years, there have been 700 cases of H5N1 virus, with only 40% surviving. This figure corresponds to about 6 deaths in the case of 10 humans.

Experts emphasize that infections in humans are rare, but infections can be fatal.

According to Fichtenbaum, “The H5N1 strain is known to infect humans and cause more severe avian influenza.”

Fichtenbaum said the strain could move into the population and spread more widely.

“The most endangered are those who spend a lot of time around infected birds,” he said. Dr. Nima MajureshiDean of the Faculty of Medicine and Toxicology, Staten Island University Hospital.

However, Majlesi said the preparatory efforts for H5N1 are widespread as the strain circulates and has caused several human infections in the past.

“According to the CDC, [H5N1] Vaccines are stockpiled by the US government to combat pandemics. Vaccines can be used if the H5N1 virus begins to spread from person to person quickly and efficiently, “he said.

Bird viruses are usually found in the mucus, feces, or feathers of infected birds. In humans, contact with birds can cause a large amount of virus to enter the human eye, nose, or mouth.

Experts say Best prevention Avoid sources of exposure.

Here are some safety tips to follow as stated by the CDC:

  • Avoid contact with wild birds (observe only from a distance).
  • Avoid contact with sick or dead poultry.
  • Avoid contact with surfaces contaminated with wild bird and poultry droppings.
  • Handle raw poultry hygienically.
  • Cook chicken products thoroughly before eating.
  • If you come into contact with an infected bird, take a test.

In addition, Fichtenbaum can be used to wash hands before eating, touch eyes, nose and mouth, wear masks in public to prevent infection, and stay home in case of illness to others. I encourage you to do the same.

“Influenza can spread primarily by droplets and become aerosolized,” he said.

The recent outbreak of bird flu has raised concerns among federal authorities, especially as the world is working to recover from COVID-19.

According to experts, cases of human bird flu are rare, but can be severe when they occur. However, following the safety guidelines set by the CDC will help prevent infection.

Experts say it is safe to consume thoroughly cooked poultry products and treat raw poultry hygienically.




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