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Artificial intelligence tutoring is better than a specialist instructor in neurosurgery training.Newsroom

Artificial intelligence tutoring is better than a specialist instructor in neurosurgery training.Newsroom


Machine learning algorithms enhance technical performance and learning outcomes during simulated brain tumor removal

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought both challenges and opportunities for medical education. Distance learning technology is becoming more and more important in several areas. In remote environments, new research shows that artificial intelligence (AI) tutoring systems can perform better than skilled human instructors.

Neuro’s Neurosurgery Simulation and Artificial Intelligence Learning Center (Montrior Neurosurgery Institute-Hospital) has recruited 70 medical students to perform virtual brain tumor removal in a neurosurgery simulator. Students were randomly assigned to receive guidance and feedback from either an AI tutor or a remote expert instructor, and the third control group did not receive guidance.

An AI-powered instructor called the Virtual Operative Assistant (VOA) uses machine learning algorithms to teach safe and efficient surgical techniques, provide personalized feedback, and deep learning intelligent continuous expertise monitoring systems (VOA). ICEMS) and a panel of experts evaluated the student’s grades.

In another group, remote instructors watched live feeds of surgical simulations and provided feedback based on student performance.

Researchers found that students who received VOA guidance and feedback learned surgical skills 2.6 times faster and achieved 36% better performance than students who received guidance and feedback from remote instructors. discovered. Researchers expected VOA-directed students to experience greater stress and negative emotions, but found no significant difference between the two groups.

Surgical skills play an important role in patient outcomes both during and after brain surgery. VOA can be an effective way to improve the performance of neurosurgeons, improve patient safety, and at the same time reduce the burden on human instructors.

“Artificial intelligence leaders like VOA can be a valuable tool in training the next generation of neurosurgeons,” said Dr. Rolando Del Maestro, lead author of the study. “VOA has significantly improved our expertise while promoting a superior learning environment. In ongoing research, we are intelligent with face-to-face instructors and AI to improve the acquisition of neurosurgery skills. We are evaluating the most effective way to use various tutors. “

“Intelligent tutoring systems can use a variety of simulation platforms to provide nearly unlimited opportunities for repetitive practice, without the constraints imposed by supervisor availability,” said Ali Fazlollahi, lead author of the study. Says. “Continuous research, increased development, and the proliferation of intelligent tutoring systems will prepare us for future challenges that continue to evolve.”

This studyWas published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Network Open) on February 22, 2022, and was funded by the Franco Di Giovanni Foundation, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada Tumor Research. I did. Grant with Neuro. The cognitive assessment was led by Dr. Jason Harley of McGill University Surgery.


Neuro-Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital-is a bilingual and world-leading destination for brain research and advanced patient care. Founded in 1934 by renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield, Neuro has grown to become Canada’s largest specialized neuroscience research and clinical center and one of the largest in the world. With a seamless integration of research, patient care, and training from the world’s top minds, The Neuro is in a unique position to make a significant impact on the understanding and treatment of nervous system disorders. In 2016, Neuro became the world’s first institute that fully embraced the philosophy of open science and established the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute. The Montreal Neurological Institute is a research and educational institution at McGill University. The Montreal Neurological Hospital is part of the McGill University Health Center’s Neuroscience mission.




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