Scientists say “a new kind of light” can kill almost every microbe in a room and help avoid the next pandemic.
New type of UV Light May help kill almost all microbes and avoid the following microbes PandemicResearchers say.
Wright is safe for people, and according to the researchers who created it, it took less than five minutes to reduce the number of airborne microbes indoors by more than 98 percent.
In this way, the lights are installed on the ceiling to help clean the air, stop the transmission of diseases such as covids and the flu, and help avoid similar pandemics in the future.
“Far-UVC rapidly reduces the amount of active microorganisms in indoor air to near zero, making indoor air essentially as safe as outdoor air,” said the director of the Radiation Research Center at Columbia University’s Bageros Medical University. David Brenner, who is, says. Co-author of the study.
“Using this technology in places where people gather indoors can prevent the next potential pandemic.”
This technique is called “Far-UVC Light” and is described in a new treatise, “Far-UVC (222 nm), which effectively inactivates pathogens in the air in room-sized chambers.” Scientific Reports..
“Far-UVC Lights are easy to install, cheap, and do not require any change in behavior. Above all, they are a safe way to prevent transmission of viruses, including the COVID virus and its variants. Influenza and future pandemic viruses. “It’s possible,” Dr. Brenner said in a statement.
UVC, a similar type of light, has been known to clean the air for decades and is used in certain cases to kill microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. However, it is not safe to use in indoor spaces where people gather, as it can be harmful to human health and affect the skin and eyes.
But lately, researchers are looking at the potential of distant UVC lights. This has the same effect as destroying viruses in the air, but without harming potential people in those spaces.
Due to its short wavelength, it cannot enter human skin or eye cells. However, due to its small size, the researchers said it was just as good at killing bacteria and viruses.
In recent years, scientists have successfully tested distant UVC in small experiments and used it in the laboratory to see how it affects both microorganisms and humans. The new study is the first to be used in a life-sized room that mimics how it is actually used.
To that end, scientists used a room the same size as the room, ventilated almost as much as a normal home or office, and changed the air about three times an hour. Next, they sprayed the room with a mist of bacteria and turned on a distant UVC lamp.
Over 98% of airborne microorganisms were inactivated in 5 minutes. Even when new microbes were sprayed into the room, safe levels of microbes were reduced.
The cleaning effect was equivalent to changing the air in the room 184 times an hour. Normally, only the equivalent of up to about 20 air exchanges can be achieved.
Kennethwood, a lecturer in physics and astronomy at the University of St Andrews and the lead author of the study, said: “In terms of preventing airborne infections, distant UVC lights can create an indoor location that is as safe as being outside a golf course on a refreshing day in St Andrews.”
Researchers have pointed out that this technology is useful because it works even when the virus changes. For example, future covid variants and other diseases that have not yet been identified will work as well. And the microbes will not show resistance over time, as they do with vaccines and medicines, the researchers said.
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