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COVID is associated with the risk of developing diabetes. Testing of mRNA vaccines against HIV in the United States.more

COVID is associated with the risk of developing diabetes. Testing of mRNA vaccines against HIV in the United States.more


COVID associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes diagnosis in the largest study to date

According to the largest study of COVID diabetes to date, people who test positive for COVID-19 have type 2 diabetes within 12 months of the first infection compared to those who are not infected with the coronavirus. There is an increased risk of being newly diagnosed. Link.

The results of the latest study, published this week in the medical journal Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, included patients with COVID with less severe or asymptomatic infections. However, researchers said that as the severity of COVID symptoms increases, the risk of developing new diabetes increases.

Overall, researchers have determined that people diagnosed with COVID-19 are 46% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes for the first time or be prescribed medication to control their blood sugar levels.

Researchers reviewed the records of more than 181,000 Veterans Affairs patients diagnosed with COVID infection between March 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021.

Previous studies have shown that the risk of new diabetes diagnoses associated with COVID may be increased. However, the new study is considered the largest review of medical records to determine the risk of diabetes in patients with COVID. We also investigated the longest period from the early stages of infection, from one month per patient to a median of nearly one year.

The authors of this study found data on COVID patients, medical records of more than 4.1 million VA patients who did not test positive for COVID during the same period, and another 428 who received medical care from VA in 2018 and 2019. Compared to the medical records of all.

It is not yet known how COVID alters the body’s insulin resistance (causing chronic metabolic disorders that did not exist before infection). One theory is that COVID infection increases inflammation, which can affect insulin secretion. Patients who have already been diagnosed with diabetes are more susceptible to serious COVID illnesses than those without diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is unlikely to be a new health concern for the majority of people with mild Covid-19 infection, but the authors of the study found that those who recovered from COVID were tired and had frequent urination. We urge you to be aware of symptoms that may be related to diabetes, such as. Increases thirst and seeks treatment.

The United States begins clinical trials of mRNA vaccine to prevent HIV, the virus that causes AIDS

The National Institutes of Health (NIAID), which is part of the National Institutes of Health, is in the first phase of a clinical trial to evaluate three vaccines to prevent HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Said it started. It can lead to the body’s immune system and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

Pfizer-A vaccine under test based on the “messenger RNA” (mRNA) technology used in several approved COVID-19 vaccines, including the BioNTech and Moderna vaccines.

“Finding an HIV vaccine has proven to be a difficult scientific challenge,” NIAID Director Anthony S. Forch, MD, said in a news release. “With the success of the safe and highly effective COVID-19 vaccine, there is an exciting opportunity to learn if mRNA technology can achieve similar results against HIV infection.”

The mRNA vaccine essentially provides a genetic material that directs the body to make protein fragments of target pathogens, including viruses that the immune system recognizes and remembers. If then exposed to the pathogen, the body can prepare for a rigorous response.

“Each study vaccine candidate is designed to present a peaplomer found on the surface of HIV that promotes entry into human cells,” said the NIH news release, which announced the start of clinical trials. I am.

NIAID sponsors a study called HVTN302, which is being tested by the NIAID-funded HIV Vaccine Testing Network (HVTN), which is based at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

HIV is a virus that attacks the body’s immune system. If HIV is not treated, it can lead to AIDS. Currently, there is no effective treatment. Once you are infected with HIV, you will be infected with HIV for the rest of your life. However, with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a medical research institute in the United States. It includes 27 institutions and centers and is a component of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Depression, anxiety can remain after severe, home COVID, major studies discover

People infected with COVID-19 were bedridden for at least 7 days due to the first illness caused by the virus, and were significantly more likely to experience anxiety and depression after 16 months at the hospital or at home.Research published in Lancet public health..

The study was observational, and researchers were unable to determine the exact association between severe COVID and long-term mental health. The early effects of social isolation from being bedridden for at least a week may have contributed to feelings of anxiety and depression.

However, there also appear to be already established “long COVID” danger signals, such as extreme fatigue for at least three months, cognitive and attention problems, and diminished ability to do common household chores.

“More than one-fifth of the COVID-19 patients included have a course of severe acute illness (mostly at home and some in hospitals) and have depression and anxiety symptoms up to 16 months after diagnosis. It was accompanied by persistent risks. ”The study states.

Researchers reviewed data from 247,249 people in Northern Europe (Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom) from February 2020 to August 2021. During that time, about 4% of the participants, or 9,979, tested positive for COVID.

The author of the study said: “The long-term effects of COVID-19 (long-term COVID) on mental and physical health are a permanent public health concern. Non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19 with varying severity of illness. Little is known about the long-term mental health of. “

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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