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Long COVID symptoms may vary depending on the variant of the contracted person

Long COVID symptoms may vary depending on the variant of the contracted person


Different variants of the COVID-causing virus SARS-CoV-2 have a variety of long COVID symptoms, according to a study presented at the European Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference (ECCMID 2022) in Lisbon next month. May cause. ..

Italian researchers suggest that individuals infected with the alpha variant of the virus exhibited different emotional and neurological symptoms compared to individuals infected with the original form of SARS-CoV-2. did. study..

With Dr. Michele Spinich colleague A retrospective observational study of 428 patients treated at the Post-COVID outpatient department of the College University Hospital between June 2020 and June 2021 was conducted by the University of Florence and the Carregi University Hospital in Italy. The original form of SARS-CoV-2 and the Alpha variant affected the population.

According to the report, at least three-quarters 325/428 (76%) Patience Reported at least one persistent symptom. The most common symptoms reported by a group of long COVID patients were shortness of breath (37%) and chronic fatigue (36%). According to the release, these were followed by sleep disorders (16%), brain fog (13%), and visual impairment (13%).

Researchers have analyzed that people with severe cases requiring immunosuppressive drugs such as tocilizumab are six times more likely to report long COVID symptoms, and those treated with high-flow oxygen support are transported over long distances. It was suggested that a person is 40% more likely to experience symptoms.

The release also states that women are almost twice as likely to report long COVID symptoms as men. The authors noted that patients with type 2 diabetes appear to have a lower risk of developing long-term COVID symptoms, and further research is needed to better understand this finding.

Further evaluation of long COVID SymptomsThe researchers found that the patterns of neurological and cognitive / emotional problems reported by patients infected during the period March-December 2020, when the original SARS-COV-2 was predominant, were reported in January. During April 2021, Alpha was the dominant variant.

According to the announcement, when the alpha variant is the predominant strain, the prevalence of muscle pain and pain, insomnia, brain fog, anxiety / depression is significantly increased, odor loss, taste abnormalities (taste). Distortion), hearing loss was less common.

“Many of the symptoms reported in this study have been measured, but this is the first time they have been associated with a different COVID-19 mutant,” Dr. Spinitch said. release.. “The long-term, widespread symptoms remind us that the problem has not been resolved. We need to do more to support and protect these patients in the long run. The study needs to focus on the mutant strains of concern for ongoing symptoms and the potential impact of vaccination status. “

Data for this study were obtained from electronic medical records of patients admitted with COVID-19 and discharged for 4-12 weeks prior to outpatient care. The data from this study included a questionnaire about persistent symptoms completed by individuals on average 53 days after discharge. Additional data includes patient demographics, medical history, microbiological and clinical COVID-19 courses, the release said.

Dr. Arlongrat, head of infectious diseases at Mount Sinai South Nassau in New York, wasn’t part of the study, but told Fox News that it would be surprising if there were no such differences.

Glatt, Publicist The Infectious Diseases Society of America also said: “It is very clear that different variants have different functions. Obviously, some of them are more contagious and some of them can cause more serious illness. Similarly, some variants have greater preferences for different age groups. Therefore, it is not surprising that there may be differences in “long COVID” between variants. “

In this release, the author wrote, “This study was observational, did not prove the cause and effect, and could not determine which mutant of the virus caused the infection in different patients, limiting the conclusions that could be drawn. There is a possibility that it will happen. “




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