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Here's Who's On and Off the List of Trump's Most Likely VPs

Here's Who's On and Off the List of Trump's Most Likely VPs


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Former President Donald Trump praised nearly a dozen potential vice presidential candidates this weekend as they gathered at a donor event at Mar-a-Lago for this which was widely seen as a pseudo-test, as Trump reportedly began whittling down his list. .

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally at SNHU Arena on January 20, 2024… [+] in Manchester, New Hampshire. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

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On May 6, Trump shared his views on 11 potential vice presidential candidates at Mar-a-Lago this weekend, calling Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., incredible as a surrogate for campaign ; North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum is very rich (Forbes estimates he is worth at least $100 million); and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, someone I love, he reportedly said in a recording obtained by Axios.

May 2Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, Burgum, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Scott top the frequently rotating list of Trump vice presidential picks, all of whom are expected to attend a donor event in Florida , Bloomberg reported, citing people familiar with his thinking.

On April 29, Trump eliminated Arizona Senate candidate Kari Lake from his shortlist, the Washington Post reported, citing five anonymous sources who said Trump had expressed annoyance and frustration with Lake and had sought to distance himself from her, fearing she would lose the Arizona Senate race and she would be associated with his loss.

On April 28, Trump showed increased interest in Burgum, hosting him and his wife at Mar-a-Lago over Easter, Axios reported, citing four sources familiar with the matter who said Trump repeatedly brought up the Burgum's name in recent weeks as someone who had little. baggage and the ability to attract moderate voters.

On April 28, Trump met with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in Miami, the Washington Post reported, raising speculation that he might be in the running, although the meeting was reportedly intended to recruit DeSantis' donor network for helping Trump and burying the hatchet after Trump repeatedly attacked DeSantis while he was still in the presidential race.

April 28 Vance said in an interview on Fox News on Sunday that he had never spoken to. [Trump] for vice president, although his name is often bandied about among the press and pundits as a potential choice, adding that he would have to seriously consider it if Trump asked him to be his vice presidential nominee.

April 26 Noem, who Trump said was a strong potential choice, admitted in her new book that she shot and killed her family's untrainable and dangerous 14-month-old puppy, Cricket, then turned the gun on on one of his wicked, wicked goats. The Guardian reported obtaining an advanced copy of the book No Going Back: The Truth on Whats Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, sparking bipartisan outrage and effectively hurting her chances as vice president.

On March 21, Trump was considering Rubio, NBC reported, while Rubio told Politico in response to the report that he had not spoken to anyone in the Trump campaign about the prospect, but had called him a incredible honor and opportunity.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was also absolutely on Trump's short list on Feb. 29, the former president told Fox News in an interview alongside the Texas governor at the southern border, but Abbott then told Austin NBC affiliate KXAN that he was committed to running for office in two years and staying in Texas.

On Feb. 21, Trump mentioned his former GOP primary opponents DeSantis, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Scott, as well as Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., Noem and former Democratic-turned-independent Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D 'Hawaii, when asked about his potential. running mates, telling Fox News during a town hall that they were all strong, while singling out Scott, who was in the audience, as a big defender.

Jan. 17 Trump named South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster and Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., one of the first members of Congress to support him and a vocal promoter of his baseless fraud claims election, calling her a killer when asked about her potential running mate choice during a dinner at Mar-a-Lago in December, NBC News reported.

Crucial quote

Trump told Fox Business in January that the main criteria for choosing a vice president was someone who could be a good president. . . in case of emergency.

Surprising fact

Donald Trump Jr. suggested in January that his father might bring in former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, telling Newsmax, “I would love to see that happen.” Trump also stoked rumors about Carlson, telling podcast hosts Clay Travis and Buck Sexton in November that I guess I would consider him. Carlson, who once texted a confidant he hated[s Trump] passionately, has since rekindled his relationship with the former president, interviewing him in a counterprogram that aired during the first GOP primary debate that Trump had snubbed and supporting him for president. Carlson, however, dismissed the possibility of becoming Trump's running mate, telling Megyn Kelly in a podcast interview last month that a career in politics was unimaginable.


Several candidates have obvious disadvantages. Rubio and DeSantis would attract the same base of voters in their home states as Trump because they are all from Florida, something Rubio mentioned when Fox News asked him in January about the prospect of joining Trump's ticket . Stefanik represents a decidedly blue state that Trump certainly cannot win. Trump openly feuded with Ramaswamy on the campaign trail, urging his supporters not to vote for him and declaring he was not MAGA just days before the Iowa caucuses. He also disparaged DeSantis for months, calling him disloyal for running against him and coining the nickname DeSanctimonious to refer to his former protégé. Lake has significant baggage as she refused to acknowledge that she lost the Arizona gubernatorial race following a campaign centered on Trump's claims of election fraud in 2020. And Scott broke up with Trump's Republican allies in Congress and voted to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. Trump's former vice president, Mike Pence, withdrew from the GOP presidential race in October and had strained relations with his former boss after Trump urged him not to certify the results of the 2020 presidential election. Pence claimed Trump asked him to choose between him and the Constitution. Trump responded that Pence was delusional.

To monitor

Trump said Wednesday in an interview with Fox6 in Milwaukee that he will make a decision on his vice presidential nominee closer to the Republican National Convention, which begins July 15 in Milwaukee. It's very early, he added. Trump's campaign is vetting candidates, but he has yet to hold one-on-one meetings with candidates, Bloomberg reported.

Key context

Trump and President Joe Biden clinched their respective parties' nominations on March 12, making the 2024 primary season one of the shortest in decades. The Republican National Committee is expected to formalize Trump's nomination at its convention in Milwaukee in July, and the Democratic National Committee will hold its convention in Chicago in August.

Further reading

Biden Gaining Ground Over Trump in Swing States, New Poll Shows: It's Latest Survey Showing Positive Signs for Biden (Forbes)

Biden agrees to debate and Trump offers to face off tonight (Forbes)

Biden counters. Trump 2024 election polls: Biden continues to advance with help from RFK Jr. (Forbes)




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