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Monterey Bay Tech Hub Announces Council and New Website

Monterey Bay Tech Hub Announces Council and New Website


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The recently established Monterey Bay Tech Hub is a coalition of regional stakeholders who recognize the need for collective action to enhance economic growth and job creation opportunities based on advanced air mobility (AAM) in the tri-county region. announced its formation. Leadership Council.

The Monterey Bay Tech Hub recognizes the tri-county region of San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties as an emerging technology hub for advanced air mobility. The three-county region of San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey counties, which has one of the largest concentrations of AAM activity in the world, is home to three major passenger eVTOL companies that are prototyping and testing within the region. , is manufacturing. In addition, a world leader in hydrogen-fueled passenger aircraft and hybrid-fueled heavy-lift drone manufacturing is based here, and his AAM technology verticals in the fields of marine science, defence, hospitality/tourism, agriculture and infrastructure are based here. Users are also based there. inspection. AAM and AAM-adjacent technologies have a significant impact on the strong agricultural and tourism assets of each county in the region, impacting how freight, goods and people move.

The Leadership Council will focus on promoting workforce training and strategic collaboration to support the regional infrastructure needs of the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) and hydrogen-fueled aircraft industries.

Regional leaders representing industry, government, community and education sectors from the tri-county region will serve on the Monterey Bay Tech Hub Leadership Council.

California State Representative Dawn Addis, ex-officio Rep. Danny Bernstein, Managing General Partner, Hawktower Co., Ltd. Cody Cleverley, Workforce Development Leader, Joby Aviation Inc., Angela Curro, San Benito County Supervisor (District 4) Doug -Erickson, Santa Cruz Plant Executive Director Zach Friend, Santa Cruz County Supervisor (District 2) Marshall T. Fulbright III Monterey Peninsula University Superintendent/President Tara Goraya, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership President and CEO Michael Gutierrez, Hartnell University Superintendent/President Tom Horvath, CSUMB College of Science Interim Dean Cesar Lara, Monterey Bay Central Labor Council Executive Director, AFL-CIO Layne Long, City of Marina City Manager Chris Lopez, Monterey County Supervisors (District 3) ) Jacob Martinez, Digital NEST Founder and CEO Rene Mendez, City Manager Watsonville Josh Metz, Monterey Bay DART Executive Director David Milione, City of Hollister City Manager Larry Samuels, University of California, Santa Cruz Sarasina Tuchen, Special Advisor to the President, Tosha Perkins, Senior Scientist and National Technology Specialist, Chief Human Resources and Partnerships Officer, Archer Aviation Matt Wetstein, Cabrillo College President

Monterey Bay Tech Hub launches new website

The recently formed Monterey Bay Tech Haven launched its new website on May 1 as part of a joint effort to create economic growth and job creation opportunities based on advanced air mobility (AAM) in the tri-county region. published.

The new Monterey Bay Tech Hub website ( builds on regional momentum to support the workforce training and regional infrastructure needs of the electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) and hydrogen-fueled aircraft industries. It's built.

The Monterey Bay Tech Hub recognizes the tri-county region of San Benito, Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties as an advanced air mobility technology hub. Areas of focus are workforce training, AAM infrastructure, innovation and entrepreneurship, and collective political engagement.

The three-county region of San Benito, Santa Cruz, and Monterey, which has one of the highest concentrations of AAM activity in the world, is home to three major passenger eVTOL companies with local prototyping, testing, and manufacturing facilities. We are doing In addition, world leaders in hydrogen-fueled passenger aircraft and hybrid-fueled heavy-lift drone manufacturing are based here, as well as large-scale vertical users of his AAM technology in the fields of marine science, defence, agriculture and infrastructure inspection. I have placed

Within this largely agricultural region are multiple defense installations, public and private universities, marine science research institutions, and several small metropolitan statistical areas.

The Monterey County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), as well as the Regional Investment Plan for the Regions Rise Together (RRT) Initiative, is a vision document used in several federal and state grant applications. identified as a strategic opportunity.

Jointly supporting this integrated regional consortium are leading Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) companies, Joby Aviation and Archer Aviation, higher education institutions, military and local government leadership, local governments, and local governments. Airport, community organization.

Founding members of the Monterey Bay Tech Hub are the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership, the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Bay DART, all of which serve on the executive committee.

Tara Goraya, President and CEO, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP): Advanced air mobility and adjacent industries have an opportunity to improve the local economy, and we want to ensure these industries are here in Monterey. We worked hard to address our workforce and infrastructure needs so we could thrive. Gulf region.

Councilwoman Dawn Addis said she is honored to join the Monterey Bay Tech Hub as an ex-officio member. The Tech Hub will complement existing important economic initiatives across the Central Coast, prioritizing clean technology innovation, workforce development, and thriving local community members.

About Monterey Bay Tech Hub: Monterey Bay Tech Hub is a coalition of regional stakeholders who recognize the need for collective action to enhance economic growth and job creation opportunities under AAM in the tri-county region. Founding members include the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership, the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Bay DART.




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