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Judge threatens jail if Donald Trump violates money hush order

Judge threatens jail if Donald Trump violates money hush order


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The judge overseeing Donald Trump's secret trial in Manhattan threatened to jail the former president if he continued to harass witnesses and jurors, after concluding that fines failed to deter the accused from violating several times a court-imposed silence order.

Judge Juan Merchan issued the latest warning by charging Trump with criminal contempt for the tenth time, following comments made online and in the media. The presumptive Republican nominee was fined $10,000 per violation, which is the maximum financial penalty allowed under New York state law.

Going forward, this court should consider prison sanctions, Mercan said Monday morning, addressing Trump directly. He added that it was the last thing I wanted to do.

There are many reasons why incarceration is truly the last resort for me, Merchan continued. The magnitude of the decision is not lost on me.

Under the relevant law, defendants charged with criminal contempt can be sent to jail for 30 days. However, the constitutional questions raised by the imprisonment of a presidential candidate have never been raised before, nor have the logistical arrangements for pretrial detention of a defendant traveling with a member of the Secret Service. no longer considered.

As he left the courtroom for the day, Trump suggested he would be willing to risk incarceration.

Our constitution is much more important than prison. It's not even close. I will make this sacrifice any day, he said.

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Mercan's warning came as he found Trump guilty of criminal contempt following a television interview last month in which he claimed it was unfair that the jury was chosen from a region composed 95% Democrats. This comment not only called into question the integrity, and therefore the legitimacy of these procedures, but once again raised the specter of fear for the safety of the jurors and their loved ones, the judge concluded in a written order.

However, Merchan declined to hold Trump in contempt for three other comments that prosecutors said violated the order. Two media statements in which Trump attacked his former fixer and potential witness Michael Cohen may have been protected political speech made in response to political attacks, he wrote.

Trump's lawyers had argued that their client was only responding to vituperative attacks from Cohen, a vocal critic of the former president and an omnipresent media presence.

Merchan again agreed with Trump's defense team on a comment in which Trump said witness David Pecker, the former tabloid editor, had been very nice. The court cannot conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the statement in question constituted a veiled threat to Mr. Pecker or other witnesses, Merchan wrote.

In his comments to Trump in court, Merchan left no doubt that he would not err on the side of leniency if new violations warranted a harsher response.

I can't allow [the violations] continue, he said. I did everything I could.

While in court on Monday, Trump again complained that Merchan had taken away [his] constitutional right to speak.




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