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What you need to know about the COVID-19XE variant

What you need to know about the COVID-19XE variant


  • A new recombinant variant was discovered in the UK
  • Recombination means that the two strains are mixed.
  • Currently, the BA.2 variant is the most common COVID-19 variant in the United States.

Late March, UK Health and Security Agency (UKHSA) publication A new COVID-19 variant called XE.

According to the agency, this new variant is recombinant, meaning it is a mixture of the two strains. In this case, the highly infectious Omicron BA.1 is combined with the more recent BA.2 variant.

“So far, a total of 637 cases of XE, a recombinant of Omicron BA.1 and BA.2, have been identified in the United Kingdom.” report UKHSA in late March. “The earliest of these have the date of the specimen on January 19, 2022.”

Recombinant variants can occur because the virus mutates over time.

“It has already happened several times, and usually the way it happens is that you have two circulating variants, someone may infect both at the same time, and then the virus is both Rejoins with the characteristics of the variant. ” Carlos Marvestat, MD, an infectious disease specialist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, told Healthline.

Malvestutto has so far confirmed that there are no signs that the XE variant is superior in evading the immunity gained by either previous infection or vaccination.

“It’s not really seen in some of these cases seen in the UK, China and India. I don’t think it’s causing a serious illness,” he continued.

One major question is whether this recombinant variant is more contagious than other COVID-19 variants.

“The World Health Organization seems to quote estimates that XE is 10% more contagious than BA.2.” Robert G. RahitaMD, Director and Author of the Institute for Autoimmune and Rheumatoid Arthritis in St. Joseph Health Immunity strong..

This is because Omicron COVID-19 variant BA.2 has led to an increase in cases in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Only 14% of BA.2 cases were at the beginning of March. Authorities have warned that new variants of COVID-19 are expected to continue to emerge.

The emergence of variants may affect the effectiveness of current treatments for COVID-19.

Malvestutto suspects that there may be a decline in currently approved efficacy. Monoclonal antibody therapy This is because XE should have the characteristics of other Omicron types.

“There were times when we had to modify a monoclonal antibody that worked for previous mutants and not for recent mutants,” he said. “Currently, we are using Sotrovimab, This worked well for Omicron BA.1, but the neutralizing activity of sotrovimab is not good for the BA.2 subvariant. “

He said that was the reason they switched to Bebuteo BimabBA.2.

“It’s not clear at this point if the activity of bebutellobimab will decline. As far as I’ve seen, there’s nothing to suggest at this point, but we’re still waiting to see it,” Malvestot said. I continued.

Rahita says he expects new variants of COVID-19 to emerge “like the flu.”

He also said he expected the disease to be endemic. Health providers will be vaccinated against both influenza and COVID.

“And both, including the flu, will be messenger RNA-based,” he predicted.

He also predicts that he will ultimately depend on vaccines containing mRNA from influenza and all COVID variants.

Karl FichtenbaumThe infectious disease department of the Cincinnati University School of Medicine said the infectivity of the virus does not indicate how dangerous it is.

“That means higher infection rates in animal models and humans,” he explained. “That doesn’t mean you’re more likely to get sick or hospitalized.”

However, he warned that it was premature to know if the XE variant dominates the current BA2 omicron variant. This is very well adapted.

“”[We] We need more time to see if it will be the dominant stock, “he said.

A new, more infectious COVID-19 variant called XE, which combines genetic information from both BA.1 and BA.2 variants, has been identified. Early studies appear to be more infectious than the Omicron BA.2 variant.

Experts say that increased infectivity does not mean that it is more dangerous, and current treatments will probably continue to be effective.




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