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Alevi organizations voice concerns over new K-12 curriculum

Alevi organizations voice concerns over new K-12 curriculum


Alevi organizations in Turkey are expressing strong opposition to a new K-12 curriculum proposal announced April 26, citing concerns about government ideological influence and misrepresentation of Alevism, according to the site information Art Gerek. reported.

The new program proposal, “Trkiye Yzyl Maarif Modeli” (Educational Model for the Century of Turkey), was open to public comment for a week. It has faced heavy criticism due to the overemphasis on religious education, particularly the focus on Islam in the curriculum. Critics argue that this goes against the secular constitution.

Mustafa Aslan, president of the Alevi Bektai Federation (ABF), criticized the new curriculum, saying it is “a step towards transforming education into a system that advocates a singular religious ideology, regressive policies and racism “.

The new curriculum is also criticized for introducing important topics such as military coups, war and death into primary education. Critics fear that exposing young children to such topics could have a detrimental effect on their psychological well-being and development.

Alevi leaders have repeatedly expressed concern that the situation of Turkey's Alevi population is becoming increasingly precarious, with President Recep Tayyip Erdoan's government failing to keep its promise to grant them greater rights to allowing the free practice of their beliefs and having imposed their own version. of Islam on various segments of society.

Ercan Gemez, president of the Hac Bekta Veli Anadolu cultural association, also expressed his dissatisfaction with the ongoing educational reforms under the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government.

“Our request was that the teaching of the history of religions should not confine religious education to Sunni Islam and impose it on the whole of society,” Gemez said.

The Alevis are historically the largest religious minority group in Turkey, making up up to 20% of the country's 85 million people. Incorporating Shia, Sufi, Sunni and local traditions, Alevism is a branch of Islam that emerged in the Middle Ages.

Turkey has long rejected demands for recognition of the Alevis state, and cemevisa, a place of worship and community gathering for followers of the Alevismare, is not officially recognized by the state.

Alevi groups accuse Turkey's ruling AKP of removing education from its secular and scientific roots and developing a curriculum that aligns with its ideological position.

The Turkish government launched an initiative in 2009 called the Opening of the Alevis, aimed at achieving a better understanding of Alevis problems through a series of workshops and implementing reforms based on this understanding. Yet the government did not follow the recommendations of a report based on the results of the workshops and took only a few symbolic steps. Promises such as official recognition of cemevis and changing the law regarding compulsory religious education courses have not been kept.

Additionally, hate crimes against Alevi communities are common. The Cemevis were sometimes vandalized, with curses and other insulting words plastered on their walls.

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