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Diabetes Nutrition Tips: How to Make a Healthy Plate | Health

Diabetes Nutrition Tips: How to Make a Healthy Plate | Health


Your diet will greatly help you manage and manage your blood sugar levels Diabetes mellitus.. Metabolic disorders that once affected middle-aged and older people now affect all age groups, including infants and children. Somewhere, our lifestyle choices must be accused of making us more sedentary and unhealthy. (Read again: Diabetes Diet: 6 Health Foods to Control Blood Sugar).

Continue to make the wrong food choices after you Diagnosis of diabetes It can disrupt your health and put you at risk for some complications that result from your illness. On the other hand, including the right type of food can reduce your dependence on dosing and help you control your blood sugar levels naturally.

“Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-related disease caused by an unhealthy diet, wrong dietary choices, malnutrition, and lack of exercise. Genetics is a predisposing factor for diabetes, but an active lifestyle and optimal With nutrition, you can manage well without it. There is no drug dependence, “said Avantii Deshpaande, PCOS and Gut Health Nutritionist.

Avantii not only counts calories to manage diabetes, but also explains how to find the right food combination.

“Calories deficiency with low to moderate intensity training is the right choice for losing weight. But thinking about calorie deficiency may not be a good idea. It’s the right carbs, protein, and fat. It’s also about choosing a combination. Insulin resistance in obesity can lead to diabetes. Dietary carbohydrates lead to insulin resistance more than dietary fat, so protein, fiber, good fat, moderate to There is a paradigm shift to maintaining a low-carbohydrate diet, “says nutritionists.

Eat on a healthy plate

Dietitians say that following a partial management and healthy plate diet is the right way to count carbohydrates and manage diabetes in your diet.

“After eating on a healthy plate for the main meal, including lunch and dinner, 50% should be salad portion, 25% protein portion, and the remaining 25% carbohydrate,” Avantii says. increase.

The power of probiotics

A dietitian who regularly educates people about the diabetic diet and writes books like Learn The Art To Eat Smart and Breakfast Recipes says that diabetes is caused by mild inflammation due to an unhealthy diet and a sentinel lifestyle. It is often said that. Adding probiotics to your diet can help improve gut health and diabetic symptoms.

“Intestinal health (that is, the number and type of microorganisms) depends on the diet you consume. To increase the number of good bacteria, it is important to include probiotics in your diet. Probiotics are cards and As it is naturally contained in butter milk, it is advisable to consume at least 100 g of curd or 300 ml of butter milk daily, “says Avantii.

Instead, she suggests fermented vegetables such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir milk, kombucha, and beetroot kanji every meal.

Foods that suppress inflammation

Brassicaceae vegetables – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, curcumin-rich and acting as an anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric should be part of an anti-diabetic diet.

“Leaf vegetable juices are rich in phytonutrients and berries are rich in polyphenols, both of which help reduce inflammation,” adds a nutritionist.

Foods rich in chromium

Chromium plays an important role in glucose control and is known to increase weight loss and muscle mass. Avantii says eating foods rich in chromium can be very beneficial for diabetics. These include whole grain products, chicken, broccoli, potatoes, green beans and dairy products.

“In addition to changing your diet, try 20 minutes of active exercise each day. Weight-supporting exercise along with aerobic exercise is the best way to manage diabetes,” says a nutritionist. ..

She adds that it is important to focus on good sleep and stress management in order to reduce inflammation and better manage diabetes.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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