Studies claim that the food industry is guilty of rebelling against us for our “sophisticated nutritional wisdom.”
A new study claims that people have the ability to choose the best diet for their health, called “nutritional wisdom.” But the food industry is clearly ruining our innate food choices.
Studies claim that humans have “amazing” nutritional intelligence. We not only eat calories, but also instinctively look for various vitamins and minerals and have the nutritional wisdom to avoid undernourishment.
An international study led by the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom has been published in the journal. appetiteGives new weight to the infamous study conducted by American pediatrician Dr. Clara Davis in the 1930s. Here, a group of 15 babies was able to “self-select”, or eat what they liked, from 33 different foods. No child ate the same combination of foods, but all achieved and maintained good health. This was considered evidence of “nutritional wisdom.”
The findings were later scrutinized and criticized. However, today, such baby experiments are considered unethical and the study could not be reproduced. As a result, almost a century has passed since scientists sought to find evidence of human nutritional wisdom. This ability is also found in other animals such as sheep and rodents.
To overcome these barriers, Jeff Blancstrom, a professor of psychology at the University of Bristol, and his team measure preferences by showing people images of different fruit and vegetable combinations, endangering health and well-being. We have developed a new method that allows you to analyze your choices without exposing them to.
A total of 128 adults participated in the two experiments. Initial studies have shown that people prefer certain food combinations to others. For example, apples and bananas may be selected slightly more often than apples and blackberries. Surprisingly, these preferences seem to be predicted by the amount of micronutrients in the pair and whether their combination provides a balance of different micronutrients. To confirm this, they conducted a second experiment with various foods and excluded other explanations.
Actual dietary combinations reported in the United Kingdom to complement and cross-check these findings Diet nutrition surveyIt was studied. Similarly, these data show that people combine their diets in ways that increase their exposure to micronutrients in their diet. Specifically, popular British dietary ingredients such as “fish and chips” and “curry rice” provide a wider range of micronutrients than randomly generated dietary combinations such as “chips and curry”. It seems.
“The results of our research are very important and quite surprising.”Professor Branstrom said. “For the first time in almost a century, humans have shown that their food choices are more sophisticated and appear to be based on specific micronutrients rather than simply eating everything and getting what they need by default. Did … humans seem to have discerning intelligence when it comes to choosing a nutritious diet. “..
This study has interesting implications for the food industry, such as the benefits of a “natural diet” (whether genuine or not) and the kind of old, gluten-free diet.
“This study raises significant issues, especially in the modern food environment. For example, we understand our cultural fixation on a trendy diet that limits or bans the consumption of certain types of food. Do you confuse or interfere with the “intelligence” of this diet in ways you can’t? “Mark Schatzker, a journalist and writer, co-author of the study, and author of the Center for Contemporary Dietary Physiology, affiliated with Yale University, said.
He also used this study to blame the food industry for distorting our natural food choices.
“Research shows that animals use flavors as a guide to the vitamins and minerals they need.”He explained. “If flavors play a similar role to humans, adding flavors to junk foods such as potato chips and sodas may infuse the false nutritional” luster “. In other words, the food industry may be directing our nutritional wisdom to us, feeding us foods that we normally avoid, thereby contributing to the spread of obesity. “..
Does the point of bliss overwrite the natural “stop” signal?..
Dr. Bunmi Aboaba, who helps clients overcome food addiction, also blamed the industry for creating “bliss points” in food formulas to optimize deliciousness.
She said this combination of fat, sugar, carbs and salt leads to a violent surge in dopamine. “What happens when the brain is mirrored and the brain’s reward system is overexcited by a huge surge in dopamine?”She asked. “The prefrontal cortex of the brain, the CEO (or part of the thought), finds it difficult to make rational decisions. Therefore, the choices made are to foods that” ignite “the path of joy / reward. Great emphasis. “
Aboaba argues that people depend on certain “trigger foods”, and those foods refrain from them with all the determination they can collect, even for those desperately wanting to stop. It changes the brain in a way that makes things very difficult.
“There is a continuing misunderstanding that people have complete control over what they eat and drink. In other words, bad eating habits are simply the result of bad personal choices. This is simply not true. Instead. , People tend to eat what they are exposed to, what is readily available, and what is physically and economically accessible. “..
Micronutrients and Food Choices: An Example of Human “Nutrition Wisdom”?..
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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