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CAMILLAAND MARC Announces 2022 Ovarian Cancer Recognition Capsule

CAMILLAAND MARC Announces 2022 Ovarian Cancer Recognition Capsule


Vintage photo of a woman in white T-shirt laughing hugging a toddler boy in overalls and a white baby girl on her lap
Pam Freeman and Children, Mark and Camilla | FACEBOOK / CAMILLA AND MARC

28 years ago, Camilla Freeman-Topper and Mark Freeman-named after Fashion label — My mother, Pam, died of ovarian cancer. Then, just at the ages of 11 and 13, respectively, her brother was left sad because of her loss.

It was a loss that was even more distressed by its casual cruelty — ovarian cancer attacks “a very sacred part of a woman’s body” and is therefore faced with incredible stigma and taboo. Freeman-Topper says.The most deadly cancer in women, almost impossible to diagnose — and in 300,000 women that is Diagnosed each year, 75 percent are found when it is too late to treat them effectively.

Almost 30 years after the defeat of Freemans, these statistics haven’t changed much. There has been minimal progress towards reducing the deadline for illness, or the trauma it causes for those left behind.

“For years after that, the deepest sadness and anger bit me. The illness betrayed my mother and my family, and it made me angry because no one knew about it.” Freeman-Topper says. “Her death changed me in the way I was just beginning to understand. I now have a new purpose. Standing up and fighting for a cause is for millions of women. I believe it will save lives. If the role was reversed, that would be what my mother would have done. “

This year marks the third year ‘Ovary. Talk about them. ExerciseCreated by the Freeman Brothers, hoping to raise awareness and funding for the desperately needed ovarian cancer research. To date, the campaign has raised $ 544,000 for the work of Associate Professor Caroline Ford, who is working with the UNSW Ovarian Cancer Research Group to create a lifesaving early detection test. This year’s limited edition capsule collection includes unisex and children’s clothing. As the brothers point out, ovarian cancer is not just a “women’s problem”, it affects everyone, including patients, family and friends.

“I was proud of my mother and became a designer. I loved the idea of ​​helping women feel beautiful. Beyond that, I can create something that can actually change a woman’s life. The idea is incredibly powerful. It’s worth it if I can save just one life and prevent a young girl from losing her mother, “says Freeman-Topper. ..

Before the collection drops online Bazaar Talking to Freeman’s brother and Associate Professor Caroline Ford, the latest capsules, the breakthrough research it supports, the deadly cancers we want to target, and in Freeman’s own words, “Women are It’s worth better. ”

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Camilla Freeman-Mark Freeman stands beside her with her arms around her shoulders while Topper sits on a stool. They are wearing T-shirts called OVARIES. Talk about them.
Camilla Freeman-Topper and Mark Freeman | Courtesy
With the latest’ovary. Talk about them. Campaign, why did you decide to expand the capsule to unisex and children’s clothing?

Camilla Freeman-Topper: We want this message to be universal — to enable women, men and children to overcome this goal and advocate for change. It’s a multi-generational conversation, and the truth is that it affects each of us because we all come from the ovaries.

How do you hope this latest campaign will support Professor Ford and the UNSW Ovarian Cancer Research Center?

Mark Freeman: Associate Professor Ford and her team are working towards an early detection blood test for ovarian cancer. Early detection testing is important and this is our focus. For 28 years after her mother died, the statistics haven’t changed. There were no tests at the time, and there are still no tests. We hope that this year’s campaign will continue to raise awareness of ovarian cancer and raise the necessary funding for medical research.

we all come from OvarySo [ovarian cancer] Affect each of us

What are you most proud of in your work to date to help fund and raise awareness of ovarian cancer research?

CFT: One of the most influential parts of this campaign is listening to women and their families who ultimately felt endorsed. Unfortunately, the disease is so deadly that not many women can survive, defend future generations, and make lasting changes.

I hear countless stories of people whose lives have changed irreparably by diagnosing themselves and losing their loved ones. A consistent theme was the lack of awareness from the medical and social circles. This disease is really few. to understand. Feeling their solidarity and passion to change this inspired me and gave me endless energy to carry out this campaign as much as possible.

A family wearing a T-shirt called OVARIES. Talk about them.

There are really few women survive And can put forward For future generations and for longevity Change..

How is ovarian cancer diagnosed? Are there any symptoms that people should be aware of?

Professor Caroline Ford: Currently, there are no early detection tests for ovarian cancer, and diagnosis can only be made reliably by surgery. In the absence of detection tests, symptom awareness is important. The four main symptoms of ovarian cancer are pelvic or abdominal pain. Persistent bloating or increased abdominal size; feeling full after eating a small amount. Urinary urination or increased pollakiuria.

Symptoms can vary from person to person, so it is important to pay attention to your body and monitor for persistent or abnormal changes.

What Causes Ovarian Cancer?

PCF: The specific cause of most ovarian cancers is not really known. It is true that some ovarian cancers are associated with genetic mutations that can be inherited within the family, but this is only a small part of the overall case. There are many factors that can increase your chances of developing ovarian cancer, such as increasing age, smoking, a past history of endometriosis or breast cancer, no children, and being overweight. However, more research is needed to understand how these individual factors affect and overlap and contribute to increased risk. It is also important for women to understand the difference between increased risk and causes, and ovarian cancer remains a rare disease.

What are the current treatment options for ovarian cancer???

PCF: In general, most women with ovarian cancer receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy after undergoing major surgery (usually removal of the uterus in both the ovaries and fallopian tubes). Treatment depends on the severity of the illness and the individual patient.

Two women wearing black pants and a black T-shirt outfit called OVARIES. Talk about them.And a long black trench
Associate Professor Caroline Ford and Camilla Freeman-Topper | Courtesy
Why is Ovarian Cancer So Deadly?

PCF: Unfortunately, ovarian cancer is most deadly because it is most often diagnosed late. The 5-year survival rate for women with ovarian cancer in Australia (meaning the percentage of women who survive 5 years after diagnosis) is 46%, far more than many other cancers that are highly conscious of the general public. Low, more than three-quarters of women are stage III or IV (staged from I to IV depending on the degree of cancer). This means that the cancer has spread to multiple parts of the body. This makes surgery more difficult and effective treatment more difficult.

Who is at risk for ovarian cancer? How can people monitor their ovaries and make sure they are healthy?

PCF: Anyone with an ovary is at potential risk of developing ovarian cancer, but it remains a rare disease and it is important to remember that the average age of diagnosis is in the mid-60s. .. People with a strong family history of breast and / or ovarian cancer are at high risk and should seek appropriate medical advice. Others should monitor their symptoms and make sure they defend themselves in their healthcare settings if they notice any of the above symptoms.

Please tell us a little about your research funded by’OVARIES. Talk about them. “

PCF: Our early diagnosis project is specifically aimed at developing blood-based detection tests for ovarian cancer. We have identified several genetic marks specific to ovarian cancer that can be detected in the blood. Our team is working hard to ensure that our tests are highly specific and sensitive and have fair access to all individuals at risk of developing ovarian cancer. Funding from CAMILLA AND MARC will directly fund two scientists in my lab dedicated to this project and collect blood samples from healthy women, benign women such as: You can also. EndometriosisAnd women with ovarian cancer use to establish and validate our tests.

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Nadia Fairfax Polaroid wearing a T-shirt labeled OVARIES.Talk about them
Victoria Lee says ovary on a stool in a black suit and hat. Talk about them.
How can this study, and the development of early detection tests, help people diagnosed with ovarian cancer?

Research is the absolute key to changing the outcome of all women with ovarian cancer! For the next generation, our bold vision is to detect ovarian cancer at a very early stage where effective and curative treatments can be given. For women who have already been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, we have other programs in our laboratory dedicated to developing new targeted treatment options that personalize their treatments. I want a more effective treatment with fewer side effects. The knowledge gained from our research on specific genetic marks associated with ovarian cancer for early detection trials is also being used to develop new therapies and drive new clinical trials.

research you must key To change the results of all women Ovarian cancer

The 2022 CAMILLA and MARC ovaries. Talk about them.collection Available online and in stores from May 2, 2022. 100% off sales will be donated directly.




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