Can I get a flu shot if I have just been infected with COVID-19?What you need to know about winter for both viruses
The flu season has officially arrived and there are already thousands of cases of the virus in Australia.
Both COVID-19 and influenza are currently prevalent in the community, and health officials are begging people to be vaccinated against the flu to reduce the “life-threatening” risk of having both at the same time.
Here’s what you need to know to reduce your risk of getting the flu or the flu / COVID combo (called “Flurona”) this winter:
When can I get the flu vaccine after recovering from COVID-19?
Ian Mackay, a virologist at the University of Queensland, says that if you recover from the virus, you can get the vaccine, but “it’s already ignited-it’s best to wait if you still have severe symptoms so that it doesn’t ignite.” System up “.
“Therefore, the usual thing about vaccination is not to vaccinate at that particular time if you have any signs or symptoms, or if you are ill, that is, if you have a fever,” he said. ..
However, if you feel good, you can go right away.
“Once you’re feeling better and your isolation is gone, you can safely get the flu vaccine,” says Maria Boulton of AMA Queensland.
Can I get both flu and COVID-19 shots on the same day?
Yes, under the ATAGI guidelines, the previous advice was to wait, but now people can get the COVID-19 vaccine and the flu vaccine at the same time.
“”[The prior advice] I just made sure it was safe. “
“And it really needs to see what happens in different groups around the world who are vaccinated two at a time.
“We just make sure that the Australian authorities have enough data to provide the best advice.
“It is highly recommended that you get the flu shot and the booster at the same time, so that you will be as safe as possible.”
Dr. Balton says her clinic has increased the number of people who receive both vaccines together.
“There are many patients who don’t have to delay and accept both at the same time, and that’s really great because they don’t have to come back again,” she said.
Do influenza shots really work?
Dr. McKay says the most common reason people hesitate to get a flu shot is because they believe they aren’t well protected from the flu.
“We tend to think of the flu vaccine as a bit of garbage, but that’s not really true,” he said.
“If it’s a good match, it’s a really good vaccine.
He states that its effectiveness really depends on how the virus has changed or evolved by the time the flu season arrives.
“That is, we need to change the vaccine. It’s not a garbage vaccine. It’s about how much the virus has surpassed us. And because we need to predict in advance to make a flu vaccine, winter What arrives at is what we planned.
“We are not always well protected from the flu. It’s not the vaccine, it’s the fact that it’s a slippery virus.”
Dr. Bolton says there are definitely fewer people vaccinated against the flu so far this year compared to last year.
“I think people are a little tired of the vaccine, but it’s important to know that the flu can be a serious condition, especially for young babies, the elderly, people with chronic illnesses, and during pregnancy. That’s true for women in the flu, “she said.
“Our borders are open. There aren’t as many restrictions as before. So we expect the flu virus to spread again, and it can be a very serious illness for some people. The best we can do is vaccination because we know that we have sex. “
What can you expect from this flu season?
It’s been a long time since the “flu season” came. Dr. McKay says it’s important to remember that there are four main types of influenza, all of which circulate at the same time. This is another reason why it is difficult to make an absolutely reliable vaccine.
“I think this year is a little different from the last two years, but in general there are two different flu types B and two different flu types A, all of which are co-circulating,” he said. ..
“They are all influenza viruses and are different from each other than any variant of SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, there are so many species out there that we don’t really talk about.”
He says influenza A seems to be the dominant strain at this time.
Queensland Chief Health Officer John Gerard said he was infected with the flu Significantly affected by measures designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus over the last two years..
As a result, we haven’t been exposed to the virus as usual for the past two years, he says.
“The mitigation of pandemic measures has led to an increase in the number of influenza, which could lead to a significant wave of influenza in addition to COVID-19 this winter,” he said.
How about “Furrona”?
On Wednesday, Queensland Health Minister Yvette Darth warned that some people would receive both COVID-19 and the flu at the same time.
She had a “great risk” that it was “life-threatening.”
“We want to reduce these risks,” she said.
“It’s in your hands, it’s easy: come in today and get your jab.”
Dr. McKay says he can expect a “mixed bag” of results for people infected with both the flu and the coronavirus.
“I’ve seen studies showing that having multiple infections at once can have worse, sometimes even better, and sometimes the same as just one or the other,” he said.
“Therefore, based on the history of the respiratory virus, it’s not really clear how it happens, and we’re still not fully aware of the combination of influenza and corona.”
Dr. Bolton says there were reports that people infected with both viruses were experiencing more serious symptoms.
Where can I get a flu shot?
Influenza vaccines are now widely available in GPs and pharmacies, and Dr. Boulton says it’s a good time to get them.
“If you go and get it now, you’ll be protected from the peak of the winter, so you don’t have to delay it,” she said.
“There are also some requirements. For example, if you have relatives in some geriatric care facilities, you need to provide evidence that you have been vaccinated against the flu to protect your population.”
The National Immunization Program Schedule helps qualified people have free access to the flu vaccine. The target groups are:
- Children from 6 months to under 5 years old
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders for over 6 months
- People over 65
- Pregnant woman
- People over 6 months with certain medical risk factors including heart disease, severe asthma, chronic lung condition, weakened immunity, and other conditions
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