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Preventing coronavirus social contact “endangering young people”


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The youth brain continues to develop and change during adolescence

Neuroscientists say that reducing face-to-face contact between teenagers and their friends during a pandemic can negatively impact long-term results.

At sensitive times in life, their brain development, behavior, and mental health can be compromised.

Using social media may make up for the negative impact of social distance Lancet child and adolescent health..

However, they demand that schools be reopened for the sake of youth for safety reasons.

Adolescence-defined by scientists as 10-24 years-is a vulnerable stage when young people want to spend more time with their friends than their families in order to prepare for adult life.

Coupled with major hormonal and biological changes, it is an important time in brain development.

It is also during life that you are most likely to have mental health problems.

“Decisive time”

But the advent of the coronavirus confused them all, says Professor Sarah Jane Blakemore, a professor of psychology at Cambridge University and lead author of the opinion.

“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many young people around the world have less opportunity to meet face-to-face with their peers in social networks at one time,” she says.

“A few months still dominate the life of a young person, even if physical distance measurements are temporary.

“At this point, we call on policy makers to urgently consider the welfare of young people.”

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More than two-thirds of British youth ages 12-15 have social media profiles

A Perspective article written by Cambridge research fellow Amy Oven and MIT Libya Tomova calls for further research to understand the impact of’social deprivation’ on adolescents. ..

Nowadays, animal studies are all they have to do-and it is about brain function associated with increased anxiety behavior and learning and memory when nonhuman primates and rodents are deprived of social contact. Suggests experiencing a decrease.

They are likely due to their lack of experience in social learning.

Impact on social media

But 69% of young people aged 12 to 15 in the UK have social media profiles, so social connections are still possible, from Instagram to online games.

The question is how and what kind of digital communication helps reduce the effects of physical distance.

“Some studies have shown that active use of social media, such as messaging and direct posting to other people’s profiles, can increase happiness and help maintain personal relationships. ..

“But it has been suggested that passive use of social media, such as scrolling through the news feed, could have a negative health impact.”

Lockdown rules introduced to stop the spread of the virus have caused British schools to be closed to most children since March 20.

A few elementary school students have returned to the UK, but only in small groups.

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