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High blood pressure in adolescents can cause long-term brain problems

High blood pressure in adolescents can cause long-term brain problems


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Studies show that high blood pressure in adolescents can adversely affect the middle-aged brain, and the stress and sedentary lifestyles experienced by many during a pandemic can have lifelong cognitive effects. There is a concern.

According to a study presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2022 in February, hypertension in adolescents aged 20-40 is Associated with middle-aged cognitive changesAt around 55 years of age, it may increase the risk of cognitive decline and dysfunction in later years. These findings suggest that medical professionals can consider more aggressive treatments for adolescents with high blood pressure, the study authors said.

The results of this small study by 142 participants corroborate the results of other studies. A 2020 review examining the effects of high blood pressure on the brain at all ages Even at an early age, elevated blood pressure is associated with changes in brain structure, cerebrovascular function, and cognitive processing... We also found that while available evidence is insufficient to explain patterns of brain damage associated with hypertension, early intervention may help lower blood pressure and maintain brain function. ..

“Brain damage is cumulative and begins earlier than we think,” said Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology at the Irving Medical Center at the University of Columbia and Head of Neurology Clinical Outcomes Research and Population Science. Mitch Elkind says. “Early life changes in cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure that we see early in life are undetected strokes, damage to the white matter of the brain, and cognitive dysfunction.”

The results of these findings are a source of concern. Childhood hypertension in the United States has quadrupled in the last 30-40 years, According to Johns Hopkins Medicine.about 1 in 25 young people aged 12 to 19 have high blood pressure (Hypertension), and data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that 1 in 10 people have elevated blood pressure.

Children can also have high blood pressure. What should you do?

Alan Sved, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh, who co-authored the 2020 review, said the February study “further emphasizes the importance of this issue.” By monitoring blood pressure at a young age and paying attention to the rise in blood pressure in childhood, it helps to reduce long-term problems, even blood pressure that is slightly elevated or even considered in the “prehypertension stage”. .. “

A February study suggests that hypertension starting at a young age is associated with a small brain in middle age (around 50 years). “The areas of the brain we measured are important structures such as the hippocampus involved in memory formation,” said Christina Reinbach, lead author of the study and vascular neurology fellow at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago. It states.

She explains how these changes in the brain can affect walking, cognition, and even emotions. “This suggests that better control of blood pressure in young people may reduce brain changes over time,” she says.

Sved agrees, “High blood pressure in adolescents can adversely affect brain health in later years, but interventions aimed at reducing blood pressure and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease can improve the situation. There are good reasons to believe that. “

Sit-down life and stress can contribute to high blood pressure in young people, as well as other factors such as sleep apnea, kidney disease, thyroid problems, and certain medications. These conditions can be detected by blood tests, urinalysis, echocardiography, renal ultrasonography, and other methods. Screening is still important because some people may not know that they have high blood pressure.

Some very simple lifestyle changes can help with high blood pressure

when Your child’s blood pressure is higher than normal during at least three doctor visitsAccording to the Mayo Clinic, they have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. After diagnosis, it is important to determine the type of hypertension (primary or secondary). Primary hypertension has an environmental or genetic cause. Secondary hypertension is the result of another medical condition.

High blood pressure in adolescents is usually treated first with lifestyle changes such as a good diet for the heart, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight. If lifestyle changes are not enough, your doctor may recommend medication. These drugs include angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, and diuretics.

“Many things, such as an active lifestyle, a healthy diet, and avoidance of smoking, can contribute to high blood pressure,” says Lineback. ” American Heart Association’Simple Seven“An excellent reference for improving cardiovascular and brain health.”

Sved agrees: “The impact of a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise, cannot be exaggerated.”




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