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How to prepare for the next pandemic

How to prepare for the next pandemic


“This is the easiest moment the world has experienced in 100 years about the importance of public health,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “On the other hand, we really risk tackling the neglect phase of the’panic-ignore cycle’. “”

Another pandemic seems inevitable. We “live in a pandemic era,” said Dr. Larry Brilliant, epidemiologist and CEO of Pandemic Advisory, a network of interdisciplinary experts engaged in pandemics.

What the 1918 influenza pandemic tells us about the coronavirus
During the Covid-19 pandemic, public health “certainly experienced many failures,” but that experience provided a lesson, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergic Infectious Diseases. Told. Life It Self ConferenceA health and wellness event announced in partnership with CNN.

“Investing in basic and clinical biomedical research has allowed us to develop an essentially highly effective vaccine (which we never imagined) at an unprecedented speed,” he said. Added. “We need to continue to invest in public health infrastructure as well as science.” “We have a public health system that could not be addressed in a way that addresses the challenges we face.” You also need to remember “the meaning of things”.

“What we don’t want is to make our children, and perhaps our grandchildren, forget what we have experienced.”

Whether to apply lessons from the current pandemic Although not yet seen, according to Frieden, doing so is the key to ending the cycle, resulting in the loss of millions of lives and a drama in healthcare, mental health, economics and education. Avoid pandemics with countless consequences, such as having a positive impact. , Relationships and careers.

Much of the preparation burden is in the hands of public health agencies, but the public can play an important role. Here are some of the top infectious disease experts who think they can help.

1. Increase public health funding

The United States is at least “our Military defense Than us Health defense“Nevertheless, in American history, no war has killed a million Americans,” Frieden said.
As of June 1, about 6.3 million people Died in Covid-19 Worldwide, including over 1,007,000 Americans.

“Therefore, from the perspective of protecting people in this country and around the world, we really need to enhance the game,” said Resolve to Save Lives, an independent organization focused on epidemic and cardiovascular disease prevention. Frieden, who is also the CEO, said. “We cannot create a safer United States without creating a safer world.”

The state-provided iHealth COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test kit box is ready for parents to receive at Tulita Elementary School in Redondo Beach, California on January 6th.
“It’s hard to convince people with a big notebook, especially from a funding perspective …” Maybe it may or may not happen, but we need to invest billions of dollars in the field. There is. ” Kizzmekia Corbett, an assistant professor of immunology and infectious diseases at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, said in Life Itself.Corbett team developed mRNA-1273A major vaccine against coronavirus manufactured and developed by ModernaTX, Inc. and NIAID.

“Therefore, in many cases, a lot of research funding and a lot of research psychic abilities go to the treatment side,” Corbett added. “We really want to be able to change that mindset.”

There is also more money Needed for staples, such as doing enough testing when the time comes, Brilliant said in Covid-19, “Keep up with the eight balls as we did.” ..

Further investment in global health is also needed. The World Health Organization Budget Lower than some Big cities in the United States“And they have to deal with the pandemic risks of 200 countries and everything else that WHO does,” Brilliant said.

“We must think of preparing for a pandemic as a real enhancement to public health systems around the world,” he added. “For now, it’s not clear if Congress will allocate a reasonable amount. For 80% of the country, they feel (Covid-19) risk gone and feel legal. Because. “”

2. Protect nature

Pandemic prevention also “needs a better system to protect nature so that it doesn’t come back to bite us,” Frieden said.

of Driver research Zoonotic diseases are at greatest risk when human exploitation and habitat destruction threaten wildlife. When we hunt and occupy wildlife natural homes and sell wildlife in the market, they experience great stress. This makes wild animals more susceptible to infection and increases the number of viruses. This leads to a larger viral shedding, which is the shedding and release of the excrement that carries the virus.
Being around stressed, sick animals, or eating them increases the likelihood that humans will be infected with the virus. Dr. Christine Kreuder Johnson, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of California, Davis, said: 2020 CNN.. The likelihood of viral spillover is also high between humans and animal species that have similar DNA or live together for long periods of time, such as pigs and livestock.
Why protecting the planet is essential to prevent future pandemics

According to Johnson, considering environmental hygiene as part of our health is important to reduce the outflow of the virus.

Everyone Playing their role Delaying climate change is essential, Brilliant said. “The animals are moving from south to north because of the rising temperatures,” he said. “When an animal moves and changes territory, it comes into contact with other animals that it has never touched before, and it exchanges viruses in the same way it exchanges viruses with us.”

3. Act early and quickly

Infectious disease specialists can detect new illnesses early and deal with them quickly when they are small, which is the key to preventing larger emergencies.

“My group, Resolve to Save Lives, Global galvanization target We call it 7-1-7. Every outbreak anywhere in the world is detected within 7 days of the outbreak, reported within 1 day, and action is taken within 7 days, “says Frieden. Needs to be fixed. ”

4. Improve public health communication

According to Frieden, tools for dealing with infectious diseases are better than ever, but they are more vulnerable than ever due to the lack of widespread trust among the community, government and health care system. I am.

CDC literally wrote a book About emergency public health communication: First, we provide people with the right, trustworthy, empathetic and practical and proven things to protect themselves, their families (and) their communities, “Frieden said. I am. It was implemented (in the United States) by either the previous administration or the current administration. And we are suffering for that. ”
As the frustration of Covid-19 messaging grows, the CDC director turns to media consultants.

“We can’t build credibility in an emergency,” Frieden added. “Must be there as a baseline.”

Communicating about the pandemic was “difficult,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC at Life Itself. “We have split against the common enemy of this pandemic virus.”

“We had to make a decision with incomplete data and incomplete time, but if we didn’t make a decision at that point, it would have been a decision in itself,” she added. .. “We need to follow and understand the best science we have at the time the decision is made.”

Wallensky will spend a lot of time on how to make public awareness part of a pandemic surveillance, she said.

“You need to be consistent and always stick to the facts, evidence and data. That was one of the obvious problems I had when I was part of the previous administration’s Coronavirus Task Force. I did, “Fauci said.

5. Fight false information

There is a saying that lies can travel half the world before the truth puts on their boots. “It was very difficult for health for doctors and others to deal with false information about the virus, which spreads even faster than Omicron,” Frieden said.

Misinformation in a pandemic can affect people’s health, politics, environment, and other motivations, beliefs, and decisions.

Some social media apps like Instagram When TicktakuHas begun the ability to guide people to accurate information from trusted medical institutions when displaying content about coronaviruses or vaccines.
Face a loved one It’s not easy about their misleading or false social media posts, but there are ways to do it sympathetically and skillfully.

6. Support your health

Individual resilience is another important factor in preventing serious illness and death during a pandemic, Frieden said.

“One of the reasons Covid killed so many people was that so many were vulnerable to health problems,” Frieden said.

Healthy lifestyle Support immunity “It can make a really big difference,” he said. It’s a good idea to take the prescribed medications, find your favorite health food, and avoid smoking or being exposed to the smoke of others.

“Being healthy doesn’t mean denying what we want to do, but rather understanding what we want to do and doing more.” Frieden said.

Correction: This story previously misunderstood the current structure of the organization Resolve to Save Lives.




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