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LA County warns of bat rabies exposure at Calamigos Ranch’s Malibu Cafe – NBC Los Angeles

LA County warns of bat rabies exposure at Calamigos Ranch’s Malibu Cafe – NBC Los Angeles


  • It is important to receive prophylactic treatment after exposure to rabies. When symptoms such as lockjaw, fever, weakness, and headaches begin, death from respiratory failure can occur quickly.
  • If no precautions are taken before someone shows symptoms, they can die. Whether or not the cafe bat had rabies is not clear as it is no longer available for testing.
  • The ministry said it would provide preventive treatment free of charge if someone was infected and had no medical insurance.

Public health officials warned anyone who touched the bat Malibu Cafe At Calamigos Ranch, contact your doctor to report that you may have been exposed to rabies.

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Potential exposure said it happened at the cafe on Saturday, June 4th.

Officials said a couple of adults and perhaps a group of children dealt with bats.

It is important to receive prophylactic treatment after exposure to rabies. When symptoms such as lockjaw, fever, weakness, and headaches begin, death from respiratory failure can occur quickly.

If preventive measures are not initiated before someone shows symptoms, they can die.

Rabies is not curable, it is preventable, but health officials have warned.

It is not clear if the bat had rabies, as it is no longer available for testing. However, officials said bats can carry rabies and spread the disease through bites and saliva.

The disease is progressive and attacks the nervous system of humans and animals.

Symptoms of rabies

“The initial symptoms of people’s rabies are fever, weakness, and headaches, which progress to tingling, anxiety, agitation, abnormal behavior, hallucinations, difficulty swallowing, coma, and death,” the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said. I am saying.

The agency also warns that bats may not show signs of rabies, and rabies is most commonly found in bats in LA County.

Other animals often show signs of aggression when infected, but some appear sick or even more timid.

What to do if you are exposed to rabies

Dew should be reported at 213-974-1234.

The ministry said it would provide preventive treatment free of charge if someone was infected and had no medical insurance.

Anyone who may have touched a bat should contact their doctor.

Officials also said they should never touch the illness of the dead bats they found.

Will I be vaccinated against rabies?

According to the Mayo Clinic, prophylactic treatment is given in the form of immediate-acting shots near the site to prevent the virus from transmitting as soon as possible after being bitten or exposed.

“At this point, there are no signs that this bat has been infected with rabies, but if untreated, rabies is almost always fatal, so be careful and mislead people,” said Muntu Davis. The doctor said. “Parents need to ask their children if they have noticed or touched the bats while in the facility. Possibility of post-exposure rabies treatment if someone suspects that they or the child have come into contact with the bats. Needs to be evaluated immediately. “

Bats are particularly problematic, the agency said. Because the bat’s teeth are so sharp that bites can be overlooked.

The LA County Health Department also said that bats are the leading cause of rabies transmission in the county.

“In 2021, 68 rabies bats Los Angeles County. This is the highest recorded number of rabies bats found in Los Angeles County since testing for rabies bats began in 1961. So far, 10 rabies bats have been detected in 2022.




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