How does monkeypox get infected?
Important point
- Monkeypox spreads primarily through close contact between people.
- The virus can be transmitted from the pain of infected people and direct contact with body fluids.
- Scientists are studying other ways the virus can spread, such as semen, vaginal fluid, and flügge droplets.
To reduce monkeypox, health experts have long recommended avoiding close contact with infected people and contaminated objects. But in the extraordinary global outbreak of the disease, scientists are investigating whether the rare disease is spreading in other ways.
However, all current cases do not look like traditional monkeypox, and scientists are investigating anomalous ways in which the virus can be transmitted.
Over the past three weeks, more than 45 cases of monkeypox have occurred in 17 states in the United States. By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than 1,280 cases have been confirmed worldwide, and approximately 1,500 cases have been investigated.
Experts ensure that the monkeypox virus is not as easily transmitted as the highly contagious COVID-19 virus in a pandemic tired world.
COVID-19 spreads primarily through the respiratory droplets that erupt during coughing, sneezing, and conversation.On the other hand, monkeypox is mainly Skin-to-skin contact with an open wound, wound, or open scab due to infection.
In this outbreak, the mode of infection can be more complex. Symptoms often appear differently from traditional monkeypox these days. This raises health professionals wondering if anyone could get infected without being directly exposed to the infected person or object.
“It’s too early to be convinced that we know all the ways monkeypox can spread. What we know is that most infectious diseases so far have been infected people. It was acquired through direct contact with. ” W. Ian Lipkin, MDColumbia University Merman School of Public Health, Professor and Director of Epidemiology at the Center for Infection and Immunology, told Verywell by email.
Studies on the transmission of monkeypox are important for communicating recommendations for minimizing exposure, such as the use of personal protective equipment, enhanced ventilation, and instructions for quarantine measures.
Monkeypox usually spreads through close contact
According to the CDC, the main way the virus spreads is to stick to the skin, such as having sexual intercourse, kissing, hugging, or touching a part of the body with the pain of monkeypox. The virus is transmitted to healthy people through the body fluids, lesions, and respiratory droplets of infected people and animals.
Unlike the COVID-19 virus, monkeypox can stay outside the body for extended periods of time. This means that people can be infected through exposure to contaminated items. This includes clothing, bedding, electronics and sex toys.
Items can be disinfected with a household cleaner Specially marked By the Environmental Protection Agency on its ability to neutralize pathogens, including monkeypox virus.
In a study of four early monkeypox cases in Europe, researchers found evidence of the virus in the semen of each patient. Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, but if exposed to infected semen, someone can become infected with the virus.
“This is not equivalent to defining semen exposure as essential for infection,” Lipkin said. “There is a risk of contact with an infected person, regardless of whether the contact occurs between the skin or through an object such as a sex toy.”
You are unlikely to be exposed to monkeypox in public, such as when you are sitting next to someone on the train or waiting in the clinic.
“The number of infected people is still small, so it’s unlikely to get infected in public. Still, it’s wise to minimize physical contact with strangers,” he said. rice field.
Beware of animal-to-human transmission
Monkeypox First discovered Despite its name, several different mammals, including rodents and non-human primates, can carry the virus. In the United States, the first case of monkeypox outbreaks in 2003 was due to a prairie dog bite.
Rodents are the most likely candidates, but scientists still do not know which species the virus depends on for survival. The CDC said Treat all animals carefully and practice proper hygiene.
According to the CDC, humans may be exposed to bites and scratches on infected animals, eat and handle wild games, and use products made from infected animals.
It may be possible, but there are no known cases of humans infecting animals with the virus.Dispose of waste such as bandages and avoid contact with pets when you get monkeypox Can be minimized Communication to both other humans and pets.
Can masks prevent the spread of monkeypox?
CDC last week Recommended Wear a mask.However, to avoid causing confusion, the agency immediately removed the guidance from its website, New York Times.. People still infected with monkeypox and family contacts Recommended Wear a surgical mask.
The CDC said The virus can spread through respiratory droplets, but these are “quickly out of the air” and unlikely to cause an infection.
But the experts New York Times It can be difficult to tell whether the infection is due to respiratory droplets or physical contact, and there is not enough research on how effectively the virus is carried by small droplets called aerosols.
Lipkin said he recommends wearing a mask once you get used to it.
Prolonged question
Researchers are addressing some questions about the current outbreak.
For example, there is no evidence that monkeypox can be transmitted asymptomatically. However, in some countries, even among those who have never been in contact with sick people, there are new cases that “suggest that the chain of infection is lost due to undetected viral circulation.” It is appearing. Who said..
Researchers are trying to understand how common asymptomatic infections are and whether an infected but asymptomatic person can infect others with the virus.
At this month’s WHO meeting, some scientists asked about the period of undetected and circulating monkeypox in countries, including the United States, before the first case was diagnosed. Moreover, many of the current cases outside Africa are relatively mild, and scientists do not know why.
Researchers also want to know more about the importance of respiratory droplets during sexual intercourse and infections through vaginal and semen.
“It’s important to understand that there’s still a lot we don’t know and that we can learn more and the answers can change as the virus spreads,” Lipkin said.
What does this mean for you
If you suspect you have been exposed to monkeypox, or have questions about potential symptoms, contact your healthcare provider for more information. In the meantime, avoid close physical contact with others.
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