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Studies suggest that chicken is the best alternative to plant-based meats for protein intake.

Studies suggest that chicken is the best alternative to plant-based meats for protein intake.


Studies suggest that chicken is the best alternative to plant-based meats for protein intake.

According to new research, chicken is a great alternative to meat in terms of how well human cells absorb protein.Photo by Michael J. Bennett / Wikimedia Commons

June 22 (UPI)- The popularity of plant-based foods can be boosted by research that advertises their nutritional value and even their cancer-fighting properties. However, new research suggests that chicken, the American staple food, is the best when it comes to protein intake at the human cellular level.

according to it study It was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society on Wednesday.

Researchers at the Faculty of Food Science and Technology at Ohio State University say that soy and other protein-rich plants are common ingredients in vegetable foods, but it’s unclear how much nutrients penetrate human cells. Described in the release.

The lead author of the study, Da Chen, is a former PhD student at the university. He is currently an assistant professor of food science at the University of Idaho.

“Our in vitro studies have shown that the profile of essential amino acids in meat analogues after digestion and absorption is slightly inferior to that of chicken, but the profile is still appropriate and balanced and healthy. It can complement a healthy human diet, “Chen told UPI.

“By changing the formulation and processing conditions, we were able to achieve a meat substitute with a better texture and nutrition,” he said.

He said the study was based on “one meat-like formulation” and that protein nutrition could be different for meat substitutes “in different formulations and in different processing conditions.”

“In vitro studies couldn’t 100% reflect what happens to proteins in vivo, the human body,” Chen said. Therefore, extending research to human participation “is in our future research plans,” he said.

Wayne Campbell, a professor of nutrition at Padhu University, has been described as a “protein expert” by the National Institutes of Health’s nutrition lab, and this new study is “important” in understanding nutritional value. It ’s the first step. ”

“These types of studies are very useful and need to be done to understand when moving from a source of dietary protein from traditional foods to a source of dietary protein from processed foods.” Campbell said.

To make meat substitutes, protein-rich plants are dehydrated, powdered, seasoned, heated, moistened and processed to avoid the unwanted fat normally found in meat.

Scientists have already shown that laboratory tests have shown that the proteins in meat substitutes are not degraded by peptides as well as meat-derived proteins.

However, their new research went one step further to determine whether human cells could absorb the same amount of peptide as chicken meat from meat substitutes.

Researchers have created an alternative to model meat composed of soy and wheat gluten. It looks like chicken inside and has long fibrous parts created by high water extruding (extruding water).

Substitutes and cooked pieces of chicken breast were crushed and broken down by the enzymes that humans use to digest food.

Later, researchers have shown that in vitro studies show that the meat substitute peptide is less water-soluble than chicken and is not absorbed by human cells.

Based on this result, they said, the next step is to identify other ingredients that may help increase peptide uptake in plant-based meat substitutes.




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