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Waikato DHB encourages continued immune efforts amid increasing risk of co-infection with Covid-19 and influenza

Waikato DHB encourages continued immune efforts amid increasing risk of co-infection with Covid-19 and influenza



Health experts warn against the possibility of co-infection with Covid-19 and influenza, as well as measles, whooping cough, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) outbreaks. Photo / NZME

Medical experts are afraid of co-infection with Covid-19 and influenza because the Covid-19 booster dose and the rate of Waikato vaccination against the flu vaccine have not increased significantly.

Covid and the flu are currently prevalent in our community, but health experts warn that more winter illnesses such as measles, whooping cough, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) may occur. doing.

Dr. Richard Bipon, Waikato DHB Medical Officer, said the region has failed to meet the immunization goals of Waikato’s most vulnerable groups, Tamariki and Kaumatura.

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The first two doses of Covid-19 vaccination are about 94%, while the booster dose is about 69%, 52% in Maori and 61% in the Pacific.

The number of people vaccinated against the flu began promising in April, but rates have not increased sufficiently since then. Influenza is now widespread in the community and Covid-19 is still present.

Experts fear that this could potentially lead to coinfection. This means that people can be particularly ill, even if they are currently healthy and healthy, with the flu and covid being infected at the same time.

According to Vipond, vaccination is a major tool that has saved millions of lives worldwide from potentially deadly diseases, but despite vaccination efforts, DHB is prevented by vaccination. We continue to see the outbreak of illnesses such as measles and whooping cough that may have occurred.

“Despite many attempts over the years, we have failed to meet the immunization goals of one of the most vulnerable groups, babies and Tamariki. The Covid-19 pandemic exacerbates the situation. However, the infection rate has declined since 2017, “says Vipond.

Waikato DHB warns the community about influenza and Covid-19 coinfection.Photo / Attached
Waikato DHB warns the community about influenza and Covid-19 coinfection.Photo / Attached

In 2017, the national vaccination rate for 2-year-olds was 92.8%, and the Maori immunity rate was as high as 91.8%.

As of December 31, last year, the national childhood complete immunity rate had dropped to 85.2%, the Maori rate was only 72.9%, and the ethnic disparity in vaccination rates was exacerbated.

And the data show that it’s not just Tamariki in our area. The current influenza vaccination rate for people over the age of 65 is 62.9%, but the numbers for Maori (55%) and Pacific people (54.1%) are lower.

Currently, the numbers for Maori and Pacific people over the age of 55 who are eligible for the free flu vaccine are even lower.

Vipond said: “We need to increase these rates and we need to do it quickly.

“We have a disease or disease that can completely prevent Tamariki, Kaumatura, Queer, and ourselves. [through vaccinations]..

Immunization rates for Covid-19 booster shots have declined across Waikato. Photo / Bevan Conley
Immunization rates for Covid-19 booster shots have declined across Waikato. Photo / Bevan Conley

“Every day when people are vulnerable is another day when they, and our young and old, are at risk of serious but preventable illness.”

Vipond helps protect us during the Covid-19 pandemic, including masking and social distance in public, in addition to boosting the immunity of MMR, influenza, Covid-19, whooping cough. It states that you need to use the tool.

To support immunization efforts and reach more Maori and Pacific people, including those living in rural areas, DHB Mobile vaccination clinic Running the entire region.

Waikato DHB Covid-19 and Maree Munro, executive lead of the Department of Immunization, said the immunization campaign has reached areas with low immunization uptake using the well-known “local face” in each region. It states.

“Our Kaimanaki workforce is working with Kapapa Maori healthcare providers. [clinics] Regular events are held in parallel with sports and cultural events such as Matariki in June and July, in Hamilton, Huntley, Tokoroa, Lagrang, Techiti, Thames and Taumarunui. “

The Mobile Clinic provides free vaccinations for influenza, MMR and Covid-19 to subjects.many Waikato pharmacy We also offer vaccinations against Covid-19, influenza, MMR and whooping cough.




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