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Mouse photoreceptor cells use separate circuits in the eye to drive visual and non-visual functions–ScienceDaily

Mouse photoreceptor cells use separate circuits in the eye to drive visual and non-visual functions–ScienceDaily


According to a new mouse study by the National Eye Institute, the light-sensing retina of the eye is producing image-forming visions and performing non-visual functions such as pupil size and sleep / wake cycle regulation. Utilizes a variety of circuits (NEI) and National Eye Institute (NIMH). Findings can influence our understanding of how our eyes help regulate mood, digestion, sleep, and metabolism. NEI and NIMH are part of the National Institutes of Health.

“We know a lot about the pathways involved in image-forming vision, but so far, whether and how non-imaging visual behavior depends on these same pathways in the eye. It was unknown, “said Dr. Johan Pahlberg. He is a member of the NEI photoreceptor physiology group and a senior author of the study.

Visual acuity begins when light travels to the eye and hits the photoreceptors of the retina. Photoreceptors transfer signals through several layers of retinal neurons before they are sent to the brain. Light also triggers certain non-visual functions, such as controlling the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil (pupillary light reflex) and regulating the arousal / sleep cycle (circadian rhythm). Circadian rhythm disturbances are associated with sleep disorders, obesity, and other health problems.

To investigate the pathways used by retinal imaging and nonimaging functions, Pahlberg et al. To turn off one or more pathway links or synapses between photoreceptors and their next downstream neurons. We studied a group of genetically modified mice. A neighbor called a bipolar cell. This group investigated the role of rod photoreceptors sensitive to low light levels. Pyramidal photoreceptors that see color; Also, three types of bipolar cells: rod bipolar cells, “on” cone bipolar cells, and “off” cone bipolar cells.

“On” cone bipolar cells respond to an increase in light, and “off” cone bipolar cells respond to a decrease in light. Pyramidal photoreceptors can only communicate with pyramidal bipolar cells, but rod photoreceptors have pathways to communicate with each bipolar cell type, depending on the level of light. The bipolar cells then communicate with other neurons in the retina, passing information to the optic nerve and brain. Some mice in this study were, for example, functional connections between rods and “on” bipolar cells, or connections between pyramids and any bipolar cells, or between rods and pyramidal photoreceptors. Lacked the connection.

The researchers evaluated the pupillary light reflex and compared the response of mice to visual stimuli while monitoring the nocturnal arousal / sleep cycle. They determined that the imaging vision could use rod and cone photoreceptors, and all types of bipolar cells, but the same was not true for non-imaging functions. Pupil response depends solely on rod photoreceptors, but cones cannot control this behavior. Circadian rhythm regulation and pupillary reflex, on the other hand, both use only the “on” bipolar cell pathway and are dependent on rod and “on” cone bipolar cells, but not “off” cone bipolar cells. ..

“Animals with bipolar cells” off “cannot adapt to changes in the day / night cycle, but are really surprised to have a functional image formation vision because they can see and respond to visual events. I did. It’s very interesting to us that the non-imaging forming feature completely ignores information from the “off” path, “Pahlberg said. “I was equally surprised that rod photoreceptors optimized for low light conditions were used for pupillary response even at high light levels. At that point I really thought the rod would be maximal. rice field.”

Since the retinal circuit is similar between mammals, Pahlberg predicts that many of these findings in mice also apply to humans. In the future, he will investigate other non-imaging functions of the retina, such as mood regulation, to see how these different retinal circuits are used elsewhere.

This study was funded by NEI, NIMH, the National Institute of Dental and Cranio-Facial Research, and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Intra-Wall Programs.

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material Provided by NIH / National Eye Institute.. Note: Content can be edited in style and length.




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