Why young people drink less than older people
Analysis: Studies show that there is a sharp decline in alcohol consumption among young people due to economic factors and health risks
Along Dominique Conroy, East London University
Young people are drinking less than ever. Anyone reading this will be able to recall the decade of peak alcohol, the 1990s, when drinking was an important part of youth life. Over the last decade, we’ve seen a growing culture of pubs and clubs, public places for youth sickness, and the arrival of new types of alcoholic drinks (anybody Alcopop?) you can buy.
When you flash towards 2020, the situation is very different. A series of studies from countries where drinking is a major part of culture confirm a sharp decline in alcohol consumption among adolescents. Study in SwedenFor example, there is a decrease in all types of consumption, from the most drunk to the lightest. Similarly, the rate of violent drinking has decreased and more and more people have defined themselves as non-drinkers.
This behavioral change may have significant health benefits. Excessive alcohol consumption is the cause of many chronic illnesses, and poor drinking habits Often created between the ages of 16 and 25.. As such, there is much to learn from young people who represent how drinking culture is changing.
From the Radar Sea Show on RTÉ Radio 1. Dr. Aisling Sheehan of HSE on Irish Alcohol Issues
There are many reasons for the changes I recently summarized In a new book with my colleague Fiona Misham.. Economic factors, including constraints and a wider climate of austerity, can affect the time and money young people can spend on alcohol. Young people may be more aware Health risks of alcohol..
However, changes in drinking behavior Widespread changes in today’s super connected youth culture.. For example, online technology has made friends and family instantly accessible via social media and smartphones, and once changed the once central role of pubs and clubs to start and integrate social networks. is.
Decline can also be the restoration of balance, which began with the growing popularity of alcohol in the 1990s. It is unclear what is the decisive reason for the changes that have taken place. However, much remains to be learned from these changes on how to encourage others to adopt healthier drinking patterns.
From The Business at RTÉ Radio 1, Liam Geraghty reports on an increase in the number of non-alcoholics
Pros and cons of not drinking
Choosing not to drink alcohol can affect people’s social lives. I Researched, Surveyed 500 British college students who were drunk, but asked if they had recently drunk in a social setting where their colleagues were drinking.
Almost half (44%) of the students reported being social without drinking and reporting benefits such as high self-esteem and increased productivity in life. The main drawbacks were fears and overlooked fears that not drinking could limit their social life. Due to the high proportion of students refraining from socializing with their alcohol-consuming friends the previous week, socializing is more common among young people who regularly drink than is generally accepted in popular culture. It may be more spread out while it dries.
Not drinking has gained a cultural reputation in recent years due to the rise of phenomena such as recent years. Dry january.. However, the question surrounds these initiatives. Currently, there is limited evidence that these events lead to moderate and long-term drinking, and whether they target people who are most in need of controlled alcohol intake. Question.. So there seem to be still some ways to utilize non-drinking as a way to promote moderate alcohol consumption over a sustained period.
Professor Deirdre Murray, Consultant Pediatrician at Cork University Hospital, talks about children and teenage drinking from RT At Radio 1 News At One
Hit the stigma
One of the biggest obstacles to encouraging young people to reduce their drinking is that there is still a prejudice about not drinking or drinking moderately. Many studies point to this, especially among students. To One study I worked onInterviewee says he experiences peer pressure on drinking and feels like he does not belong or is excluded if he does not drink alcohol.
Another study suggests that male non-drinkers may face double violent stigma. Their decision not to drink is the expectation of being a young person (excessive drinking indicates “lives life to the fullest”) and gender-specific expectations (“Why not drink?”).
Nevertheless, as more people decide to drink less, we can expect to see increased tolerance for different drinking behaviors. This may unlock all kinds of possibilities for promoting moderate drinking across the population. For example, the growing concern over drinking issues and the more general and healthy lifestyle suggest that the cultural climate of incorporating drinking centers into public health publicity material is ripe.
Claire Pully’s Dirty Diary on RTÉ Radio 1, Raider Sea Show: A Woman’s Way to Stop Drinking and Start Living
The emergence of a “comfortable space” in the youthful social environment is also important. For example, the rise of cafe culture, increasing demand Residential facilities where the use of alcohol is prohibited And activities like Sober rave and “conscious clubbing” movement.. Pubs and clubs are no longer the go-to place for people to socialize due to a variety of cultural factors, such as an increasing number of non-drinking youth and increased acceptance of non-drinking as a social option. It was
Understanding these changes is an ongoing process. But the shift in youth perceptions of alcohol suggests that excessive drinking does not have to be the default way of socializing and can probably build a healthy relationship with alcohol.
Dominique Conroy Is a psychology instructor East London University
This article is reissued from conversation Under Creative Commons license. Read Original work..
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and do not represent or reflect the views of RTÉ.
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