Description: What is tomato flu?
in the case of tomato flu The number of reported cases from at least four states – Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Haryana and Orissa – has risen since the Federal Ministry of Health issued a series of guidelines on infection prevention, testing and treatment on Tuesday (August 23). has been issued.
Attention was drawn to a condition intermittently reported from Kerala after a recent communication was published in the Lancet Journal of Respiratory Medicine. ) is another clinical manifestation of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) caused by
So what is tomato flu?
tomato flu tomato fever It is characterized by fever, joint pain, and a red, tomato-like rash, and usually affects children under the age of five. This is accompanied by other symptoms of viral fever such as diarrhea, dehydration, nausea and vomiting, and fatigue.
It was thought to be a sequela of dengue and chikungunya, which are common in Kerala. However, researchers now believe that HFMD is caused by enteroviruses such as coxsackieviruses A-6 and A-16.
“Tomato flu may be a sequela of chikungunya or dengue fever in children rather than a viral infection. and a common infection that targets immunocompromised adults,” read a recent communication in The Lancet.
Dr. Ekta Gupta, professor of virology at the Institute for Liver and Biliary Sciences, said: It is reported occasionally throughout the country, but is much less common. ”
Why is the infection spreading now?
Dr. Gupta said: COVID-19”
She explained that doctors don’t usually test for it because the disease is self-healing. No, but with viral testing increasing over the past five years and virology laboratories popping up across the country, viral infections are becoming more and more prevalent, and the pandemic has made such oversight imperative. It pushed me even further,” said Dr. Gupta.
Such surveillance is an important tool for monitoring the virus circulating in the community, Dr. Gupta said, but it is not necessary for individuals. “For example, HFMD is easily diagnosed by observing symptoms, especially a red rash.”
Another reason for the current spread of infections is the reopening of schools, said Dr. Asawathiraj, a scientist at the Institute for Advanced Virology working on infectious diseases.
Which pathogen currently causes it, and how do the clinical presentations differ?
Current HFMD cases are mainly caused by Coxsackieviruses A-6 and A-16, according to Dr. Asawathyraj, who has characterized viruses and studied infections in Kerala. Her other pathogen, enterovirus 71, which causes the disease, is currently less prevalent, she said.
This is good because the pathogen is known to cause severe neurological symptoms, including fatal encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).
“In nearly all cases, say 99.9%, the disease resolves spontaneously. However, in a few cases, it can lead to CNS (central nervous system) complications,” said Dr Asawathyraj. increase.
She added that the disease also has some atypical manifestations. It was done. However, doctors are now also reporting rashes on the buttocks and nail shedding.
I asked if it could be mistaken for a rash monkeypoxAlthough states have been on high alert after the global spread increased, Dr Asawathyraj said the rashes can be distinguished by visual inspection alone.
“Monkeypox rashes are deeply rooted and variably distributed,” she said.
Is there a cure for infections?
There is no specific treatment or vaccine available for this disease. Infected people receive symptomatic treatment, including prescription paracetamol for fever.
How can I prevent infection?
Because it occurs primarily in children, the Center’s recommendations to states issued Tuesday focus on prevention in these age groups.
According to the recommendations, anyone suspected of being infected should be quarantined for 5-7 days after the onset of symptoms.
Children must be educated about infection and are asked not to hug or touch other children with fevers or rashes. People should be encouraged to stop and use handkerchiefs for runny noses, the recommendations say.
Recommendations say that if a child develops symptoms, they should isolate, sanitize utensils, clothing, and bedding regularly, keep themselves hydrated, and use warm water to clean blisters.
It also states that tests will be conducted as a countermeasure in the event of an infectious disease. Respiratory, fecal, or cerebrospinal fluid samples (for encephalitis or brain inflammation) should be collected within 48 hours of illness. there is no.
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