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Silent Killer: Your sugar intake leads to unhealthy fat deposits


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France: Recent studies show that excessive sugar intake can be detrimental to health because it is associated with increased fat deposits in the heart and abdomen.

This study was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Circulation Society.

“When we consume too much sugar, the excess is converted to fat and stored,” said research author So Yun Yi, a PhD student at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

“This adipose tissue around the heart and in the abdomen releases chemicals that can be harmful to health into the body. Our results help limit additional sugar intake “Mr. Yi added.

Overdose of sugar is a global problem. The six countries with the highest per capita sugar drink sales are Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, the United States and Saudi Arabia. Demand for sugar is expected to increase in Asia, Africa and Russia.

In this observational study, we examined sugar-containing beverages (soft drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, etc.) and the sweetness of sugar added to foods and beverages (such as cooking and processed foods). The researchers analyzed the relationship between long-term sugar consumption and fat stores around the heart and other organs.

Data were obtained from the Young Adult Coronary Risk Development (CARDIA), an ongoing cohort study in the United States, including centers in Alabama, California, Illinois, and Minnesota. A total of 3,070 healthy participants aged 18-30 were included in this study.

Over 25 years

Food and beverage intakes were measured three times over a 20-year period (1985-2005). Twenty-five years later (2010), computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest and abdomen were performed to measure abdominal and pericardial fat mass.

Researchers have found that sugar intake over 20 years is related to fat mass in later years.

Increasing intakes of both sugar-containing beverages and additional sugar resulted in a gradual increase in peri-organ fat accumulation.

“Our findings provide more evidence that consumption of added sugar and sugar-containing drinks is associated with increased amounts of adipose tissue. I know it’s associated with an increased risk of diabetes and diabetes,” said study author Dr Lin. Steffen of the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota.

She advised to reduce the amount of added sugar consumed daily.

“I’ll take water instead of sugared drinks and choose healthy snacks over sugar-rich foods like cakes. Read the food label to see how much sugar you’re buying. Look for ingredients such as syrup, glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, etc. Awareness of hidden sugars will help you reduce it,” she said.

“In addition to our individual efforts, governments, food manufacturers, restaurants, schools, and workplaces play a role in raising consumer awareness of sugar in food and beverages and providing healthier alternatives. It has a role to play,” Dr. Steffen added.

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