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Metropolitan experts warn flu season is worse than in recent years – The Daily Gazette

Metropolitan experts warn flu season is worse than in recent years – The Daily Gazette
Metropolitan experts warn flu season is worse than in recent years – The Daily Gazette


SCHENECTADY — After a grace period of several years, the flu, more commonly known as the flu, is expected to return with this season’s flu fury.

Over the past two years, the number of influenza cases has been lower than in previous years. Years of wearing masks, extra hand washing and social distancing from COVID-19 have also helped keep flu cases in check, but the virus is expected to make a full comeback this season. I’m here.

Dr. Daniel Wales, associate professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at Albany Medical Center, said: “But we do know that Australia, which normally predicts the situation in the United States, has had its worst flu season in five years.”

Contagious respiratory diseases can infect the nose, throat, or lungs. Influenza can cause symptoms ranging from mild to severe, and can even be fatal.

Based on Australian indicators, Wales said they were concerned about a “rough” flu season here as well. She said it affected

“Influenza has been very interesting over the last few years,” Wales said. “When COVID first hit, we saw very little flu, probably because people were wearing masks, washing their hands, and getting flu shots. occurred, in fact we were watching it in the summer.

Influenza is considered “endemic” when more than half of the counties in the state have reported confirmed cases of the virus. As of October 3, 44 of the state’s 62 counties have confirmed cases, according to the state health department.

Dr. Brian McDermott, Infectious Diseases Physician at Saratoga Hospital, said: “This year is expected to be more like a traditional flu season, with far more flu cases than in previous years.”

In areas of the Southern Hemisphere, the summer months become winter. Southern hemisphere regions such as New Zealand and Australia have had flu seasons this year that have been less mild than in recent years, McDermott said. He explained that there was a season of

“Just like before COVID, they’re having full-blown flu season on a regular basis now,” McDermott said. There is. Without testing, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the two.”

This creates a second level of “confounding difficulty” in caring for patients, making sure people are properly isolated, McDermott said.

“We expect a mixed flu season this winter,” McDermott said.

McDermott said the combination of a full flu season and COVID cases similar to what we’ve been through makes this flu season more complicated.

“There is nothing to say this year’s flu strain is particularly virulent than other years,” McDermott said. So I don’t think it’s going to be above average or slightly above average, but I wouldn’t say it’s much more than us.”I’ve had it for at least 3 years . ”

Each year, the flu is a new strain of the previous year’s flu virus, McDermott said. Sometimes that change is small, sometimes it’s big. He explained that when there is a big change in the flu virus, people have a harder time dealing with it as a new infection, causing more illness.

Dr. David Libers, an infectious disease specialist at Ellis Medicine, believes most people in the medical field are concerned about this winter flu season.

“We are worried about what happened to Australia. Perhaps the same thing will happen,” said Liberls. “Then add the fact that we have relaxed a number of restrictions and recommendations.”

Another problem Libers explained that could be added to the upcoming flu season is vaccine fatigue.

“I think people are either sick of the vaccine or less likely to get the flu vaccine this year,” Libers said. and flu vaccines can arguably reduce the severity and possibly reduce transmission of influenza.”

School-age children are often responsible for how the flu spreads to families. He explained that he did not.

Influenza usually manifests itself in more severe cases when strains change dramatically, said Libers. The upcoming flu season is expected to be worse than recent years in terms of the number of cases expected to occur, rather than the severity of cases, he explained.

Local health professionals, the CDC, and the New York State Department of Health all recommend annual flu vaccinations as the best way to prevent influenza.

An estimated 10,000 to 25,000 flu-related deaths typically occur in the United States during a given flu season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Protection. The CDC did not report his estimated average for the 2020-2021 season because flu activity was minimal. The CDC reports an estimated 5,000 deaths during the 2021-2022 flu season.

Influenza, along with pneumonia, is the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, according to state health departments. In the United States, influenza and related complications result in an average of 226,000 hospitalizations and nearly 24,000 deaths annually.

The flu season usually runs from October to May and peaks from December to February. The State Department reported higher-than-normal numbers in September. In the week of Oct. 1, the state had 596 laboratory-confirmed flu cases in her.

The New York State Department of Health called for people to get their annual flu shot earlier this week. DOH-reported flu cases have increased since September. New York had 596 laboratory-confirmed flu cases in his week to Oct. 1.

“I strongly encourage all New Yorkers to protect themselves, their families and friends by getting the flu vaccine as soon as possible,” New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said in a statement Wednesday. Due to the early and aggressive spread of influenza, annual influenza vaccination is the most effective defense against severe illness.

According to the New York State Department of Health, anyone can get the flu, and people of all ages can get serious complications from the flu. Some groups of people, such as the elderly, young children, pregnant women, people with certain medical conditions, or people taking certain medications that may weaken the immune system, are more susceptible to the flu. Increased risk of complications.

A COVID-19 booster can also be given at the same time as your flu shot to further protect the health of you and those around you.

Both COVID-19 and influenza are believed to be contagious respiratory diseases with similar symptoms. According to the CDC, both COVID and the flu can cause symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, body aches, headaches, chills, and fatigue. It can be very mild or severe. With both COVID-19 and the flu, some people have no symptoms at all when they get the virus.

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