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State health officials are now involved in an outbreak at a local school

State health officials are now involved in an outbreak at a local school


The San Diego County Department of Health and Human Services said it is working with state health departments to respond to outbreaks of flu-like symptoms at Patrick Henry High School and Delmar High School this week.

Dr. Cameron Kaiser, the county’s deputy public health officer, said about 40 percent of students on those campuses were home on Wednesday, the most recent day he got the data. Some preliminary tests on students were positive for influenza A.

“However, it is important to note that the states are already involved in this. said. “But at this point, this is happening against the baseline we expected, so we want people to be prepared.”

Kaiser warned that the current outbreak isn’t limited to these high schools, but said the outbreak in schools is more pronounced because administrators are monitoring attendance.

“When a large number of people get sick in an area, they tend to infect schools first,” he said. Keep the tab closest to your stats. ”

The flu is already spreading rapidly in the community and is only getting worse, according to the county. That is why authorities are urging everyone to get a flu shot.

“Across the county, we’re seeing a high number of flu cases in October in some of the highest numbers we’ve ever seen,” Kaiser said. If it crows, it’s important that people realize it’s probably a duck, and it was already expected to be a bad flu season, and everything is in place.”

Dr. Teresa Hardisty, a pediatrician at Sharp Rees-Stealy, told KPBS that influenza A is particularly serious. After years of pandemic precautions, not everyone’s immune system is ready, she said.

“The population’s natural immunity is down, and flu isn’t as prevalent,” Hardisty said. With the flu, the fever lasts 4-5 days and can be as high as 104-105, making people very uncomfortable.”

Hardisti said the flu vaccine gave the body a “pre-warning”, so if someone does get the flu, the symptoms will be mild.

“[The flu] As it rages across communities, if you can reduce the level of the disease by vaccinating yourself beforehand, it’s important for protecting yourself and minimizing the chances of spreading influenza A to someone else. I think it’s a good way to go, and you may have a lowered natural immunity,” Hardisty said.

She said she’s seen the worst cases in medically vulnerable babies, children under the age of one, and children with asthma and other conditions. I encourage parents toAnd she said, “I would recommend being more careful with exposure in large groups indoors. [and] in the community that is currently occurring. ”

If that’s not possible, masking is possible for older children, she said, and advised parents to talk to their doctors about medications that could protect their children.

Also, for those who are ill, adequate rest and a healthy diet are the keys to recovery.




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