Here’s why menopause increases your risk of osteoporosis
A disease called osteoporosis weakens bones and increases the chance of sudden and unexpected fractures. People who suffer from osteoporosis experience a loss of bone mass and strength. Symptoms and pain may not always be present as the condition progresses. Osteoporosis is often not identified until the disease causes painful fractures, usually in the back or hips. Unfortunately, if you break a bone as a result of osteoporosis, you are very likely to break it again. Additionally, these fractures can be crippling. Luckily, there are things you can take to reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. Additionally, if you already have osteoporosis, drugs can slow the rate of bone loss.
How does osteoporosis develop?
Scientists may not understand the exact cause of osteoporosis, but they do understand how the condition progresses. Live, expanding tissue makes up your bones. increase. The sponge-like cancellous bone is surrounded by a cortical or thick outer layer of bone. “holes” in bone “sponge” osteoporosis They are reduced in size and number, and the internal structure of the bone is compromised. Usually a person gains more bone than he loses by the age of 30. Bone mass gradually decreases with age as bone breakdown begins to outpace bone growth. When this bone loss exceeds a certain level, the individual becomes osteoporotic.
The relationship between menopause and osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become thinner (thinner) and more susceptible to fracture. menopause (Spontaneous cessation of menstruation, often between the ages of 45 and 55). Falling estrogen levels due to menopause can lead to bone loss. In her first five years after menopause, a woman is believed to lose, on average, up to 10% of her bone mass. To lower your risk of developing osteoporosis, eat a diet rich in calcium and engage in regular weight-bearing exercise. To get the most benefits, it is ideal to adopt a certain lifestyle at a young age. There are also drug options to help manage osteoporosis.
Effect of Menopause on Osteoporosis
A woman’s bone mass peaks around age 25 to 30, when skeletal growth stops and bones are at their strongest and thickest. Estrogen, a female hormone, is important for maintaining bone density. Estrogen levels drop sharply, and she loses bone mass around age 50 as menopause begins. Menopausal bone loss may increase the risk of osteoporosis in women with suboptimal premenopausal bone mass. Studies show that osteoporosis causes at least one fracture in one of her two women over the age of 60.
How to reduce the risk of osteoporosis during menopause?
You can lower your risk of developing osteoporosis before and after menopause by sticking to a few lifestyle suggestions, including:
1. Take Calcium
Aim for a daily calcium intake of 1,300 mg (or check with a professional to prescribe dosage as needed). This includes dairy for 3-4 servings of him.many non-dairy Calcium is also found in bone-in food fish such as sardines and canned salmon, hard tofu, almonds, brazil nuts, and calcium-enriched soy or almond beverages.
2. move more
Regularly engage in appropriate weight-bearing exercise, such as strength training with weights (always supervise this type of exercise).
3. Watch Your Vitamin D Levels
Maintain adequate amounts of vitamin D. Calcium absorption by the body is increased by vitamin D. It is produced in the skin after sun exposure, but some foods contain very low levels of calcium.can be determined with a simple blood test vitamin D levels.
4. Avoid alcohol
Limit your alcohol intake (current guidelines recommend a maximum of two standard drinks per day for women, including two abstinence days per week).
Don’t smoke (smoking increases your risk of developing osteoporosis).
5. Limit your caffeine intake
When it comes to increasing your risk of developing osteoporosis, caffeine is the culprit. Try to limit your caffeine intake as much as possible to avoid developing the disease. To reap the benefits, it is ideal to adopt a particular lifestyle at a young age.
Osteoporosis that develops after menopause is known as postmenopausal osteoporosis. There are usually no observable symptoms, and most people only realize they are disabled after they have broken a bone.
A bone density scan can be used by a doctor to help diagnose postmenopausal osteoporosis. Medications, calcium and vitamin D supplements, lifestyle changes, physical activity, and hormone replacement therapy can all be used to treat the problem.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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