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RSV causes widespread disease on CT. Here’s what you should know:

RSV causes widespread disease on CT. Here’s what you should know:


Here’s what you need to know about the disease causing serious illness among children in the state.

What is RSV?

RSV is a very common respiratory virus that usually causes only mild cold-like symptoms, but can be serious in infants and the elderly. Early symptoms include a runny nose, loss of appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever, and wheezing, but can progress to pneumonia and inflammation of the small airways in the lungs.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, An estimated 58,000 children under the age of five There are hospitalizations each year for RSV in the United States.

Deaths from RSV are rare, but the disease is presumed to kill About 160,000 worldwide each year.

How bad is RSV in Connecticut?

RSV is one of the viruses with the greatest impact on emergency room overflows at both Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital and Connecticut Children’s Hospital. one Connecticut parent Reported with a 6-month-old son I was rushed to the hospital on RSV but only spent 4 hours in the waiting room due to the lack of available beds.

according to public online tracker, Yale Medicine recorded 106 cases of RSV from Oct. 9 to 15. This is by far the most RSV in any week of the year, more than any other disease except COVID.

Hospital officials say they were surprised not only by the amount of RSV, but also by the timing. The virus usually arrives in winter, but this year it appeared early.

Dr. Juan Salazar, chief physician at the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, said the hospital has been “hit hard” by RSV in recent weeks.

“RSV usually occurs in the middle to late winter or early spring, and not in late summer or early fall,” Salazar said. “He’s RSV in the amount that fills our hospitals every day.”

Why is RSV spreading so rapidly?

It’s not clear exactly why RSV had such a dramatic impact in Connecticut this fall, but experts say the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two years may have played a role. increase.

Dr. Thomas Murray, Associate Physician for Infection Prevention at Yale-New Haven Children’s Hospital, said: “RSV used to be primarily a December virus, but now we see it in the summer and now we see it in October. This is an example of a virus that no longer behaves like it used to. .”

Murray, Salazar and others point out that respiratory diseases such as respiratory syncytial virus and influenza have all but disappeared during the first two winters of the pandemic due to the widespread use of masks and social distancing measures. Without these precautions, children are being exposed to the virus again without much prior immunity to it.

“There may be a group of vulnerable children who are more socially isolated, wear masks for several years, may not have the respiratory virus that usually spreads in a year, and are more susceptible to infection,” Murray said. Said.

What should parents know?

In most cases, RSV does not cause serious illness and symptoms disappear within days or weeks. However, young children can be particularly vulnerable to severe infections if they are born prematurely, have chronic heart or lung disease, or have a weakened immune system.

Parents and other adults whose children are at increased risk of severe RSV infection should wash their hands frequently, avoid touching their face, avoid sick people, cover coughs and sneezes, and clean and disinfect surfaces. recommend to.

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