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RSV, influenza push pediatric ICUs to critical levels across Illinois

RSV, influenza push pediatric ICUs to critical levels across Illinois
RSV, influenza push pediatric ICUs to critical levels across Illinois


Chicago (CBS) — Doctors warn families to be careful with Thanksgiving plans as childhood flu and childhood flu surge. Continuation of RSV Infection.

RSV – Also respiratory syncytial virus – is the most serious respiratory virus in young children. Pediatric ICU beds remain at unsafe levels statewide.

As CBS 2’s Tara Molina reported on Monday, the emergency room at the University of Chicago’s Comer Children’s Hospital experienced a massive influx of patients over the weekend due to infections with both viruses.

“All parents need to be very aware that this is a very real virus and it is hitting more severely this year,” Kaelyn Bogucki, whose child was hospitalized with RSV, said in October. rice field.

RSV, the respiratory virus most deadly to young children, continues to plague hospitals and pediatric wards.Influenza is now surging across the region.Doctors tell us they are overwhelmed. increase.

For the first time since March 2020, ER visits for flu-like illness have outpaced COVID-like illness, a spokesperson for the Cook County Public Health Department said.

“CCDPH continues to monitor respiratory viruses such as COVID-19, influenza, and RSV. Although there are positive signs, such as a decline in emergency room visits for RSV, pediatric Hospital systems continue to be under stress with very low bed availability in 2020. Influenza-like illnesses have overtaken COVID-like illnesses for the first time since March 2020. If current trends continue, this 10 It’s expected to be the worst flu season of the year, and we’re giving you a boost to keep the flu at bay and prevent COVID-19.For more information, visit”

The Chicago Department of Public Health issued the following statement:

“Overall, pediatric health care providers are still seeing high numbers of patients with respiratory illness. RSV cases appear to be declining, but we are now seeing an increase in influenza. We strongly recommend that all Chicagoans over the age of 6 months be vaccinated against the flu.

“This is our data. Respiratory Virus Weekly Surveillance Report (Data for the week ending November 12, 2022):

  • The rate of emergency department visits for children under 5 years of age due to RSV decreased from 9.2% to 8.5%.
  • The RSV positive test rate decreased from 17.4% to 14.7%.
  • Weekly hospitalizations for children with RSV have declined for the third consecutive week.
  • Influenza activity continues to increase and is above peak levels of activity during the 2021-2022 season. ”

The Illinois Department of Public Health said pediatric bed availability has dropped to 5 percent statewide. IDPH wants the capacity to be 20%.

Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge also reached capacity last weekend, among other hospitals. But a spokesperson said the patient was not turned down. Advocate Children’s is now seeing a reduction in RSV. respiratory syncytial virus – But flu is surging:

“This weekend, Advocate Children’s Hospital-Park Ridge was ‘full’ due to a respiratory spike, but did not turn away patients. RSV is starting to decline, but childhood flu continues to rise. Things weren’t much different this weekend. than in the last few weeks. ”

The North Shore hospital system is seeing a similar surge. A spokeswoman said there was more capacity than usual due to an increase in RSV flu cases over the past two months.

“Evanston Hospital has a dedicated pediatrics unit with 11 beds (no pediatric intensive care unit).

“Over the past two months, there has been an increase in RSV and Influenza A cases, with higher-than-normal capacity, as have other systems across the state reported to IDPH.”

We spoke with a doctor who shared information she said her family needed before the Thanksgiving celebration.

“I think we were at capacity 67 days in a row,” she said.

But even though this weekend was a bit of a breather, Comer’s emergency room saw a huge number of patients. There is a mix of RSV and influenza cases.

Thankfully, most of these patients didn’t need to be hospitalized, but Dr. Bartlett told us parents should keep these surges in mind for Thanksgiving.

“It’s time to think about the plan and how to keep it as safe as possible,” said Bartlett. “Certainly, people with respiratory virus symptoms should refrain from participating.”

A doctor we spoke to on Monday emphasized the importance of getting both a flu shot and a COVID booster as RSV and flu are currently on the rise. More information will come from city and county health officials.




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