Dogs are also affected by the intense flu news
as Americans navigate worst flu season For over a decade, dogs across the country have faced flu epidemics, with symptoms such as coughs, fevers and runny noses.
Known as “canine flu” or dog flu, the highly contagious virus is airborne and can spread through direct contact, nasal discharge from barking and coughing, and contaminated surfaces such as kennels and leashes. American Veterinary AssociationThe virus, which does not infect humans, can spread year-round, but there has been a spike in cases recently, especially in the strain of influenza known as H3N2. It suggests that this is due to changes in people’s behavior due to the relaxation. new york timesEmily Antes.
Dog shelters that were previously empty during the pandemic are now full. As more people travel and return to in-person work, dogs spend more time together in kennels and daycares, making it easier for canine flu to spread.Increased holiday travel could also increase pet case spikes, reports Maia Billay Fox 8.
“When one dog enters the kennel, all the dogs leave the kennel. [dog flu],” Earl Rogoffveterinarian and owner Orange Village Animal Hospital in Ohio, Fox 8“I’ve had dogs in kennels, dog parks, or groomed with other dogs, and after 3 to 5 days my dog is coughing, lethargic, or showing signs of breathing.” If you do, you’ll want to see a veterinarian.”
Veterinarians are taking to social media to warn people about the virus as a result of the surge in cases. Dog daycare centers have closed and some shelters have suspended adoptions. New York Times. kind operationIt is a dog shelter in Texas, according to the publication.
Lisa LipmanDirector of Virtual Medicine Bond Veterinarian in New York City,To tell America todayCoughing and sneezing are the main symptoms of canine flu, but other symptoms include fever, lethargy, eye discharge, and loss of appetite, says Anna Kaufman of .
Canine flu does not progress to serious illness in most dogs, but it can be fatal in some cases, and it has been reported that the virus can develop into pneumonia. WCNCCharlotteof Chloe Leshner. Jill Pascarella emergency doctor care animal hospital in North Carolina, WCNCCharlotte The hospital has seen multiple cases of the virus, with several dogs hospitalized and having to rely on oxygen for breathing.
“Normally, the respiratory virus that we see is a fairly self-limiting cough that resembles the common cold, which is now being seen progressing to quite severe pneumonia in dogs that have gotten better on their own. “The people who need to come to the ER are dogs who are not eating, are very lethargic and have trouble breathing,” he told the publication.
Most dogs infected with the virus usually recover in two to three weeks with care from their owners and antimicrobial treatments prescribed by their veterinarian. America today. According to the American Veterinary Association, dogs infected with canine flu are most contagious through the virus’s incubation period of 2 to 4 days, making almost all exposed dogs sick. To reduce the spread of the virus, dogs exhibiting cold or flu-like symptoms and those exposed to known infected dogs should be quarantined.
Vaccines for canine flu are available, and experts recommend that owners of dogs who come into increased contact with other dogs consider vaccination. , Lippmann says, can prevent dogs from contracting the virus and has the ability to reduce the severity of the disease. America today.
‘If you have questions, call your vet,’ says Rogoff Fox 8“Dr. Google isn’t always accurate. Veterinarians know you and your pet very well and can give you the best advice.”
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