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Hydrogel injections may help reduce infections

Hydrogel injections may help reduce infections


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A new hydrogel may help recover from knee and hip replacement surgery.Starty/Getty Images
  • Researchers say they are developing hydrogen injections to help treat infections after knee or hip replacement surgery.
  • They hope the treatment will help reduce the need for antibiotics and additional surgery after these procedures.
  • Experts say potential hydrogel injections are a promising development, but more research is needed.

Infection may occur after total knee or hip replacement surgery and may be required Antibiotics and additional surgery to correct.

In response, researchers at China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine say they have developed a hydrogel treatment to treat infections around prosthetics.

According to them, the gel inhibits bacterial growth and promotes tissue regrowth, potentially eliminating the need for antibiotics and follow-up surgery.

their findings Published in a magazine today APL Bioengineering.

After knee or hip replacement surgery, bacteria can adhere to the surface of the prosthesis and cause infection.

This type of infection is usually treated with antibiotics and, if necessary, additional surgery to remove infected tissue and transplant new tissue.

However, the researchers noted that problems could arise.

  • treatment-resistant bacteria caused by Abuse of antibiotics It can make it difficult to eliminate infection.
  • Removal of tissue and implantation of new tissue can cause permanent damage.
  • Finding a tissue donor can be difficult.
  • There may be toxicity or immune system complications. For example, the immune system may reject transplanted tissue.

As a solution, researchers say they have developed an antibacterial injectable hydrogel enriched with black phosphorus. collagen Promotes fiber and new blood cell growth.

They say the antibacterial properties helped curb the persistent growth of bacteria. Staphylococcus aureusa common bacterium that causes disease.

“Periprosthetic joint infection after knee or hip replacement is a rare but serious complication of this surgery.” Dr. Jeffrey Zarinan orthopedic surgeon at the Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jove Institute in Los Angeles.

“Generally, the accepted rate is 1% to 2% for joint replacement surgery. Nevertheless, these figures are influenced by patient comorbidities such as diabetes, obesity and smoking, as well as factors such as complexity and length of surgery. It can be quite different in relation to surgical factors,” Zarin told Healthline.

The researchers reported that laboratory tests showed good gel stability and low toxicity to cultured cells. It also has a porous structure, can be injected quickly, and has fast self-healing properties.

“My understanding of this statement is that when this gel material is exposed to infrared light, silver ions are released into the local tissue,” said Zarin. “Silver ions have been shown to have antibacterial properties. Therefore, local release of these ions may enhance antibacterial efficacy. Therefore, it needs to be studied in a broader manner and tested to minimize the risk of toxicity and side effects.”

According to the researchers, the new gel offers a safe, less invasive and viable antimicrobial strategy for the healing of infected soft tissue.

After completing additional studies on the underlying mechanisms of hydrogels, they hope to prove useful in the clinical setting.

Treatment-resistant bacteria Occurs when bacteria develop the ability to withstand drugs meant to kill them, according to Physics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

These types of bacteria are complex and can be nearly impossible to treat.

The CDC estimates that more than 2.8 million treatment-resistant infections occur each year in the United States, resulting in more than 35,000 deaths.

Joint replacement surgery is an example of a medical procedure that relies on antibiotics to fight infections.

“Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are becoming a bigger problem in the treatment of infected joint replacements. Dr. Timothy GibsonOrthopedic Surgeon and Medical Director, Memorial Care Joint Replacement Center, Orange Coast Medical Center, California.

“Currently, treatment usually consists of surgical tissue debridement and often removal of the prosthesis, followed by reimplantation after the infection has been controlled,” Gibson told Healthline. “Despite aggressive surgical management and intensive antibiotics, treatment is often unsuccessful. Infection consultation is required to select appropriate antibiotics. Treatment lasts weeks to months. It may continue.”

This study looks at a new potential approach to bacterial infections that occur after joint replacement.

according to Press releaseresearchers believe hydrogels offer a safe and viable strategy for treating soft tissue infections, solving the problem of stubborn infections with minimally invasive treatments. We would like to continue studying certain mechanisms and testing safety and efficacy in humans.

“This treatment seems novel, but we’re just getting started,” said Gibson. “It needs to be investigated in a more realistic setting before it can be implemented in a clinical setting. At this time, we do not recommend this new treatment. , proposes an interesting and unique way to potentially control. The idea is very interesting and promising.”

“The authors should be commended for their innovative approach to this difficult problem,” added Gibson. “If further research shows patient benefit and adequate safety, it could be a very useful tool to use in the treatment of these complex infections.”




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